Top EU vodka brand returns to Russia – media

Swedish spirits producer Absolut is reportedly resuming supplies to Russia a year after the suspension of trade Read Full Article at

Top EU vodka brand returns to Russia – media

Swedish Absolut is reportedly resuming supplies despite the sanctions

Swedish vodka producer Absolut and its French owner Pernod Ricard Group are resuming supplies to Russia, the newspaper Kristianstadsbladet reported on Tuesday.

The move comes just over a year after the brand suspended all trade with Russia following the start of the military operation in Ukraine and the ensuing sanctions. According to the newspaper, the company’s stock of product in Russia has now run out.

“Within the framework of the existing sanctions, the group delivers products to an extent that can protect local employees and ensure the economic sustainability of the local organization,” company representative Paula Eriksson said in a letter cited by Kristianstadsbladet, adding that “Pernod Ricard has acted with respect to employees in both Ukraine and Russia.” 

READ MORE: Switzerland refuses to freeze more Russian assets – official

Absolut is a leading premium vodka made exclusively from hardy winter wheat grown in Southern Sweden, according to the company. It is the world’s sixth-largest spirits brand.

Apart from Absolut, the Pernod Ricard Group also owns spirits brands Beefeater London, Chivas Regal, Havana Club, Malibu, Jameson, and Ballantine’s, among others.

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