Musk Scoffs at Allegations He Provided Cybertruck to Chechen Leader

Elon Musk has stated that only a “retarded” person would think he genuinely gifted a Cybertruck to Ramzan Kadyrov. Read Full Article at

Musk Scoffs at Allegations He Provided Cybertruck to Chechen Leader
Russiagate advocate Seth Abramson has accused billionaire Elon Musk of “working openly against the US” following claims that Musk gifted a Cybertruck to Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov, who purportedly plans to weaponize it for Russian forces in the Ukraine conflict.

Musk, the CEO of Tesla, mocked Abramson's assertion that he should face charges for collusion with Russia. Abramson, who gained significant attention during Donald Trump's presidency for his investigations into alleged Trump-Russia links, directed his ire at Musk over the weekend.

In response to Kadyrov's claims about receiving the Cybertruck, Abramson expressed disbelief that the situation wasn’t receiving more media attention, questioning why the U.S. military academy West Point was not condemning Musk's actions. "Musk is providing vehicles ready for military use to sanctioned enemies of America? Why isn’t this the biggest story in America today? Why is West Point coddling a man working openly against the US?" he wrote on X (formerly Twitter).

Musk's retort to Abramson was pointed: “Are you seriously so retarded that you think I donated a Cybertruck to a Russian general? Yet another example of how much the legacy media lies.” This exchange followed Musk's recent speech at West Point, which prompted Abramson's remarks about the military institution.

The Tesla Cybertruck, noted for its stylized design and durable exterior, is not intended for military use and starts at a price point exceeding $200,000. Kadyrov shared a video showing him driving the vehicle around Grozny, the capital of Chechnya, equipped with a mounted machine gun in the cargo bed while he posed dramatically at the gunner position.

Kadyrov expressed gratitude to Musk, saying, “Elon, thank you! Come to Grozny; I will welcome you as my dearest guest!”

The initial grievance against Musk, leading to Abramson's allegations, stemmed from comments made by former Ukrainian MP Anton Gerashchenko, who has a notable following on X. Since late 2022, Musk has faced criticism from Ukrainian officials for questioning Kyiv’s military strategy and advocating for concessions to achieve peace in the ongoing conflict with Russia.

Ian Smith contributed to this report for TROIB News