Democrats Maintain Grip on Power in Tim Walz’s Minnesota

With Gov. Tim Walz included on the Democratic presidential ticket, the state's policies are attracting national attention.

Democrats Maintain Grip on Power in Tim Walz’s Minnesota
WINONA, Minnesota — Two years ago, after gaining complete control of the Minnesota state Legislature, Democrats made protecting abortion rights a priority and committed to leveraging their power to transform the state.

They swiftly implemented policies providing 20 weeks of paid medical and family leave for all employees, free tuition at state colleges for low-income families, and over $1 billion in affordable housing funding. Republicans criticized the expense of these ambitious initiatives, marking them as some of the most progressive in the nation.

“We were very united,” Democratic House Speaker Melissa Hortman stated in an interview. “Pedal to the metal. Let's get it done. Let's do everything we can do in two years.”

Minnesota voters now face the choice of continuing the direction set by Gov. Tim Walz and the Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party or returning power to the GOP. This upcoming election serves as the first assessment of the sustainability of the “Minnesota Miracle,” which Democrats have positioned as a blueprint for national policy, despite their slim electoral margins.

As Walz campaigns for the vice presidency, promoting his record in St. Paul, his party is striving to preserve its trifecta control over the state government. A major focus is the state House, which Democrats lead by just four seats. Additionally, a special state Senate election on Nov. 5 aims to fill a position held by a Democrat running for Congress, potentially altering control of that chamber.

Republicans across the nation have held sway over state legislatures since 2010, when they gained an impressive 680 seats and flipped 20 legislative chambers. However, in recent election cycles, Democrats have begun to make gains, securing chamber flips in states like Minnesota, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, and are now targeting potential victories in Arizona and Wisconsin.

With Congress largely stalled due to divided control, state legislatures are increasingly becoming centers for critical policy discussions, a trend expected to persist regardless of the presidential election outcome.

Minnesota Republicans are intent on portraying Democrats as radical liberals, arguing that their approach has alienated a significant number of voters in what is regarded as a purple state. They highlight the rapid increase in spending — general fund expenditures are on track to rise by 37 percent this biennium compared to the previous two-year period.

“It's been an object lesson of what happens when one party feels empowered to enact the most extreme agenda and please their very, very left wing partisan base,” noted David Hann, chair of the Republican Party of Minnesota and a former state senator. “It's the reason why Democrats are going to get rejected at the polls.”

**Must-win Winona**

For Republicans to have a chance at flipping the state House, they will need to secure the seat currently held by DFL Rep. Gene Pelowski, who is retiring after nearly four decades. Pelowski is the last anti-abortion rights Democrat in the Legislature and has often differed from his caucus over the years.

The southeastern Minnesota district he represents, centered around Winona, has been leaning more towards Republicans lately. Walz clinched the district two years ago with a narrow 50.7 percent of the vote, in contrast to an 8-point statewide margin.

The shifting political landscape in Pelowski’s district reflects broader changes underway in Minnesota and across the country during the Trump era. While Democrats are steadily gaining traction in suburban areas, Republicans continue to dominate rural regions.

Republican candidate Aaron Repinski, a first-term member of the Winona City Council and small business owner, argues that high taxes in Minnesota are driving residents away, a concern in areas like Winona that border Wisconsin.

Repinski and other Republicans are spotlighting the projected $730 million cost of remodeling the State Office Building in St. Paul, home to House members’ offices, as an example of Democrats’ excessive spending, labeling it a “palace for politicians.”

“As a small business owner, you have to look at the bottom line,” Repinski remarked regarding Democratic expenditures. “You may want to have the newest, shiniest thing, but do you need that? I want a brand new truck. Can I afford it? No. Do I need it? No. My dented, rusty truck runs just fine.”

In response, Democrats assert that the renovations were approved in 2022 while Republicans still held the state Senate and emphasize that the projected costs include interest payments. They also argue that the building serves multiple functions, including housing the secretary of state's office and the Legislative Reference Library.

“Most people who are living their lives on a day-to-day basis could give a shit about what happens with a State Office Building being remodeled,” stated Ken Martin, chair of the state DFL party. “How does it impact their lives? It really doesn't.”

The Democratic candidate for the Winona district, Sarah Kruger, is the chief of staff at FairVote Minnesota, which promotes ranked-choice voting, and co-founded the Southern Minnesota Democratic Action Group. She previously lost a Senate race in 2020 to a three-term incumbent by 15 points.

Kruger plans to maximize turnout in Democratic-leaning Winona, particularly targeting students at Winona State University, while aiming to minimize losses in the district's rural portions.

“Rural people are very proud of the communities that they come from,” Kruger expressed. “They want to live in places that aren't just surviving but thriving. How can we as Democrats put more money into rural areas, but then also share about what has been done so that there is a tangible connection that folks see in their everyday lives?”

Pelowski is supporting Kruger, yet his past comments about the potential benefits of Republican control in the House or Senate have created challenges for Democrats. “I think we do need divided government to simmer things down,” he stated earlier.

Still, Pelowski defended the legislative achievements of the past two years under complete Democratic control in a recent interview, highlighting significant investments in local government aid, higher education, and healthcare, claiming that he seldom meets individuals wishing to reverse that spending.

“They still have a very good chance of maintaining a majority,” Pelowski assessed regarding the Democrats, “but it’s going to be close, very close.”

**Suburban bellwether**

The suburbs of the Twin Cities are also set to play a critical role in determining whether Democrats can retain control of the House. DFL state Rep. Brad Tabke, who represents Shakopee, has seen his district change hands over the last three election cycles. He won in 2018, lost in the subsequent cycle, and reclaimed it in 2022.

Tabke's district has leaned more towards Democrats in recent elections, with Walz receiving 53 percent of the vote in 2022 and Tabke winning by over 8 points. The incumbent emphasizes the local impact of DFL investments, noting that Shakopee Public Schools benefited from a $16 million funding increase, allowing for higher pay for teachers and staff.

”People are seeing the difference in their lives on a day-to-day basis from what we did,” Tabke commented, recalling his previous role as mayor of Shakopee. “Our 2023 session improved generations of Minnesotans’ lives.”

His GOP opponent, Aaron Paul, a police officer in nearby Bloomington and a political newcomer, contends that the funding increases came with too many additional mandates — 65, by Republican estimates — which did little to alleviate financial woes.

“Shakopee has different needs than Duluth and Crookston and all these different school districts,” Paul insisted. “Give them money and get out of the way.”

Paul describes himself as a reluctant candidate with limited campaign experience but believes that the substantial funding being directed towards the district indicates a strong chance of success.

“When the DFL started running attack ads on Labor Day, that's a huge sign that they did some polling and the polling hasn't been going well,” he remarked. “It's either too close or I'm ahead.”

**Senate special favors Dems**

The unpredictability in the Minnesota legislative races centers on the Senate. Only one seat is contested, but it will be decisive in determining chamber control. DFL Sen. Kelly Morrison stepped down from her position representing the western Twin Cities suburbs in June to pursue the congressional seat being vacated by Rep. Dean Phillips.

In the race, Democrat Ann Johnson Stewart, a former state senator, faces Kathleen Fowke, a real estate agent vying for the seat for the second time. Most political analysts believe that Democrats are likely to retain the seat, as Morrison won by more than 12 percentage points in 2022.

However, DFL Chair Martin indicated that Republicans are heavily investing in this race, viewing it as a viable opportunity to regain some influence.

“The whole Republican establishment is zeroing in on this one Senate seat because they can actually flip the trifecta,” he noted, “or at least flip one chamber and slow things down.”

Martin, having chaired the DFL for over a decade and serving as a vice chair of the Democratic National Committee, expresses confidence in their ability to maintain majorities in both chambers, bolstered by the troubles faced by the state Republican party, which is still recovering from a significant financial and ethical scandal in 2021.

Hann acknowledged that the challenges for the Republican Party are more severe than he realized when he agreed to lead it three years ago. Still, he believes that Republicans are well-positioned for success, despite the funding disparity.

“People want common sense, and that's what Republicans have always believed in,” Hann stated. “We don't believe in creating utopias. We believe in creating practical solutions that are going to help ordinary people.”

Mathilde Moreau contributed to this report for TROIB News