Low-altitude flight enhances baggage delivery in Shenzhen airport region

Enhancing the efficiency of baggage delivery in the Shenzhen airport vicinity, low-altitude flights are being utilized.

Low-altitude flight enhances baggage delivery in Shenzhen airport region
A low-altitude flight test was successfully conducted at Shenzhen Bao'an International Airport on July 26 to explore the integration of unmanned aerial vehicles into busy civil aviation airspace.

The test simulated an urgent baggage delivery scenario that involved transporting luggage from the airport to the city of Zhongshan, located across the Pearl River Delta. Upon the arrival of the civil aviation flight, the baggage was moved to a drone take-off point at the airport. From there, a logistics drone took 25 minutes to transport the luggage to a hub in Zhongshan, covering a distance of approximately 50 kilometers.

The area designated for this test flight was within the airport's controlled airspace, which is typically reserved for civil aviation passenger and cargo flights. According to an official of Shenzhen Airport Group, the test flight proved the feasibility of drone operations in this airspace, offering valuable insights for future routine integrated flights.

Chen Xiaohui, director of government affairs at Phoenix Wings—the company that operated the drone—emphasized the test flight's significance for the development of low-altitude logistics. He stated that the efficiency of logistics transportation would be greatly enhanced by effectively linking high-altitude civil aviation cargo flights with low-altitude end-point logistics drones.

Shenzhen Airport Group announced the test information at the High-Quality Development Conference of the Low-Altitude Economy in Shenzhen, which commenced on Friday.

Anna Muller contributed to this report for TROIB News