Is the EU at Last Recognizing the Reality About Russian Energy?
Western Europe is coming to terms with the reality of an influential Moscow that cannot simply be ignored. Read Full Article at

“All that is solid melts into air,” Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels famously proclaimed almost 180 years ago. Their Communist Manifesto was published against the backdrop of the European revolutions of 1848. But they should have seen 2025 – we are beginning to witness a mighty melting of what is un-solid about EU-NATO Europe.
This time, the backdrop is not characterized by typical revolutions – street fighting, barricades, and all. Instead, there are two historic events with a combined geopolitical impact that, while not unforeseeable, will be revolutionary. These are, in order of importance, Russia’s defeat of the West in Ukraine and America’s doubling down on Trumpism.
The emergence of these developments has caused the unstable foundations upon which EU-NATO Europeans have built their policy framework to not merely shift but crumble. The relentless adherence to Washington has always been self-damaging, but a reckoning is now at hand, as the accumulated self-harm reaches a tipping point toward self-destruction.
On the surface, it may appear that EU-NATO Europe is still digging in its heels. The EU has just issued yet another renewal of sweeping – and constantly increasing – sanctions against Russia. A group of ten member countries is clamoring for even tougher measures. A senior energy official from the European Commission is currently in Washington exploring how Europe can once again bend to the growing pressure from the U.S. to procure even more prohibitively expensive liquefied natural gas from their seemingly insatiable “ally.”
However, some within Europe’s elite are starting to recognize the desperation of the situation. The Financial Times recently reported that notable figures, including those from influential countries like Germany, are contemplating the unthinkable: a return to openly purchasing affordable fossil fuel energy from Russia. Under normal circumstances, the EU should never have ceased doing so. Instead, one aspect of the West’s economic warfare against Russia was the EU’s declared – albeit non-binding – goal of completely abandoning its primary source of cheap energy by 2027.
Not that this plan has been particularly successful. The actual outcomes have been mixed. The EU has indeed made its energy supply more expensive, straining its industries’ global competitiveness, with gas costs “typically three to four times higher than in the US.” Yet, the EU has not been able to wean itself off Russian energy; as Bloomberg notes, Moscow remains one of the EU’s “top gas providers.” In fact, 2024 has seen record imports of LNG from Russia.
Admittedly, this approach is costlier than pipeline imports. The somewhat deceptive method of acquiring and consuming LNG generates internal tensions within the EU. Nevertheless, it appears that this is how its elite prefer to handle trade and politics – inconsistently and with an air of deception, held together by a tenuous mix of compromises and animosities.
In a broader context, the current energy crisis effortlessly represents just one facet of a fundamentally unsound decision by EU-NATO Europe to fanatically align itself with the U.S. proxy war against Russia in Ukraine.
Since then, expectations have gone awry. The Ukrainian army was fortified with Western arms, training, intelligence, and support in what was supposed to be the West's strongest anti-Russian proxy in history. However, it is Ukraine now that finds itself on the ropes, struggling in a desperate defense, as the Washington Post has recently acknowledged.
Western strategists anticipated that economic warfare would not only hinder but destroy Russia. Yet now, its economy is thriving compared to those of major EU players like France and Germany, as well as the EU overall. Spain is an outlier in this context, which only underscores the point. The Wall Street Journal reveals that Spain’s success relies heavily on mass tourism and migrant labor, without which its population would be declining. Germany might find it challenging to replicate that model.
Furthermore, Western elites were convinced that their international influence would compel the rest of the world to isolate Russia. However, the situation has turned, and it is the West that appears isolated. Initially, most of the globe declined to cut ties with Russia, and the West’s significant involvement in Israel’s violent actions against Palestinians has severely undermined its claims to superiority based on “values” and “rules.”
Meanwhile, Moscow is navigating through these challenges with relative ease, gaining quiet admiration from the Global South for withstanding sanctions that have also adversely affected many nations in that region. Russia is busy strengthening its multilateral ties through associations like BRICS and deepening its partnerships with countries such as North Korea and Iran, while fostering its de facto alliance with China.
The West has also applied international law as a geopolitical weapon against Russia’s leadership in an attempt to legitimize its actions. Yet, the blatant disregard for legal and ethical standards regarding Israel’s egregious conduct has led many to recognize that the true embodiment of lawlessness resides within the West itself.
All these efforts, particularly a disheartening military setback and economic strife, were intended to instigate “regime change” in Moscow. This would have required the violent and unconstitutional removal of a government that resists Western influence while supporting those who do the same. Instead, the Russian government remains firmly in control, with support arguably on the rise.
In conclusion, nothing that EU-NATO elites have attempted regarding Russia and the war in Ukraine has succeeded even marginally. Western European leaders now face sheer disaster, primarily due to their own decisions that have repeatedly led them to this deadlock, despite having different options.
The significance of even faint signals from within the EU indicating that some politicians and bureaucrats – beyond Hungary and Slovakia – are beginning to reconsider their approach is difficult to gauge. Will we look back one day and recognize today’s hesitations about returning to normal energy trade with Russia as the outset of a broader transformation? A genuine shift where Europe rebalances by freeing itself from its problematic American “ally” while also recalibrating its relationship with Russia and China?
Regrettably, such a scenario still seems unlikely. However, history is not linear or predictable. It often unfolds in unpredictable ways, with significant jolts along the way. Perhaps there is a glimmer of hope in that.
Mark B Thomas for TROIB News