EU Nation May Compel Russians to Decide Between Citizenship Options

According to local media reports, the Czech Republic has stated that Russian nationals need to “prove their loyalty” by renouncing their passports. Read Full Article at

EU Nation May Compel Russians to Decide Between Citizenship Options
Individuals seeking to become citizens of the Czech Republic may soon be required to renounce their Russian passports, according to a report from the daily newspaper Blesk on Thursday.

The Mayors and Independents party is advocating for an amendment to the country's citizenship law. MP Martin Exner commented that the requirement for single citizenship would apply to all Russian nationals, with exceptions made for asylum seekers and other specific cases.

This amendment could also introduce new guidelines for the extension of temporary protection for Ukrainian refugees.

“We cannot allow that at a time when Russia is taking hostile actions not only against Ukraine, but also against us and other EU countries, its citizens can acquire Czech citizenship, and thus all the rights related to it,” Exner stated.

Similarly, Interior Minister Vit Rakusan remarked, “The security situation requires us to respond to the increased number of requests from Russian citizens for our citizenship.”

According to statistics from the Interior Ministry, approximately 5,000 foreigners are granted Czech citizenship annually, with the majority being Ukrainians, Slovaks, and Russians. The ongoing conflict in Ukraine has significantly increased the number of foreigners residing in the Czech Republic.

To qualify for citizenship, foreigners must have lived in the country for at least ten years and successfully pass a Czech language test. Conversely, Czech nationals are permitted to hold dual or multiple citizenships, consistent with EU regulations.

In 2023, over 1,000 Russians received Czech passports, marking a 50% increase from the previous year. Currently, around 40,000 Russians with temporary or permanent residence permits are residing in the Czech Republic.

“The question is about the loyalty of these people to our state,” Exner expressed, adding, “It cannot be ruled out that at least a certain part of them considers the Czech Republic an enemy state and can be used by Russia in the future for at least various forms of political pressure.”

Ultimately, Russian citizens will need to decide whether they wish to belong to the Czech Republic or Russia, the MP concluded.

As a NATO member, the Czech Republic has been one of the most outspoken critics of Russia within the EU, actively supporting all EU sanctions, providing military aid to Ukraine, and tightening visa regulations for Russian diplomats while completely halting visa issuance.

Mark B Thomas contributed to this report for TROIB News