Uncovering the Restoration of Local Ecology Driven by Xiamen's Yundang Lake

In Xiamen, southeast China, blue has become the new green. This urban wetland area surrounding Yundang Lake is a lively habitat for around 90 species of birds. It has become a sanctuary teeming with life, where various wildlife coexist peacefully with human inhabitants, creating a unique shared home.

Uncovering the Restoration of Local Ecology Driven by Xiamen's Yundang Lake

In Xiamen, a southeast Chinese port city in the Fujian Province, blue is the new green. The city's urban wetlands, notably those by Yundang Lake, are home to nearly 90 bird species. This thriving ecosystem forms a unique environment where various life forms coexist harmoniously with humans.

Yundang Lake is more than just a body of water in Xiamen; it serves as a prominent green landmark representing the peaceful coexistence between mankind and nature. But this hasn't always been the case. In the early 1980s, locals recall the waters reeked of severe pollution, strewn with garbage and poisons.

A resident of Xiamen shared with CGTN their memories from that time. "Being close to the lake used to be unbearable. The water was murky, and it smelled terrible. There was also a noticeable lack of birds," they said.

Finally, in 1988, change came through proactive regulation. Xiamen's then vice mayor, Xi Jinping – who is currently the President of China – formulated a plan for the Yundang Lake's restoration. The city implemented numerous rules, putting a stop to operations of countless polluting enterprises.

The restoration efforts weren't just an official endeavor. Local residents assumed an active part in the lake's management, providing the essential grassroots enthusiasm.

Chen Yajin, the local chief in charge of overseeing the waters, expressed the fulfillment he has found in this responsibility. "Our daily tasks comprise inspecting the lake and reporting dilemmas to the relevant authorities. They respect our inputs and promptly address any raised concerns. I believe that this experience offers an excellent model for other districts in Xiamen," he said.

As the lake's condition continues to improve year by year, more locals and tourists are attracted to the stunning landscape. Many people find the park near the lake an excellent place to relax and engage in recreational activities.

One resident expressed her gratitude towards the government for creating such a delightful environment, while another nearby dweller compares the lake to her backyard, where she takes pleasure in strolls with her grandchild.

The triumphant restoration of Yundang Lake serves as a potent example for other Chinese municipalities. Interestingly, China's Ministry of Ecology and Environment pointed out that other global regions could draw key lessons from the significant transformation that took place here.

Yu Hai, the deputy director of the Research Center for Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization, lauds the lake's management as a testament of Xiamen's success. "This hallmark achievement holds national significance and has earned global recognition. It’s a solution infused with Chinese wisdom that could address ecological and environmental management issues in coastal cities worldwide," he remarked.

The clean-up of Yundang Lake has progressed through five phases since 1984, with a cumulative investment of approximately 2 billion yuan ($270 million). Xiamen's environmental crusade is ongoing, promising a beneficial impact for more people and a greener future.

James del Carmen for TROIB News