Harmony Protectors: The Stewards of Milu Deer

In the peaceful stretches of the Dafeng Milu National Nature Reserve in Jiangsu Province, a dedicated team of guardians strives to safeguard the milu deer. This narrative unfolds the story of a species that was once lost but has been successfully restored, flourishing once more in symbiosis with the land and its inhabitants.

Harmony Protectors: The Stewards of Milu Deer
In the peaceful surroundings of the Dafeng Milu National Nature Reserve in Jiangsu Province, a dedicated team works tirelessly to protect the milu deer, often referred to as Pere David's deer. Their daily responsibilities include tracking the distribution, health, and migration patterns of these animals. Yu Xiaopeng, affectionately known as a "Deer Manny," is committed to ensuring that the captive-bred deer receive well-balanced and nutritious meals.

Yao Yajun, a ranger at Dafeng, has a profound connection to the land, having been born and raised there. Following in the footsteps of his parents, who were among the founders of the reserve, Yao patrols the area every day, regardless of the weather. When a call comes in about a wild deer in jeopardy, he and his team quickly mobilize, drawing upon years of experience to rescue each distressed animal.

However, their work comes with sacrifices. Rangers often spend long hours away from their families and face personal risks as they remain committed to this noble endeavor. Yet, their deep bond with the milu deer—cultivated through years of care and interaction—motivates them to continue.

Sadly, this species faced extinction in its native habitat two centuries ago, with just 18 individuals surviving in Europe. The milestone reintroduction of milu deer to China in 1986, made possible by global conservation efforts, was a significant turning point. Andrew Loudon, emeritus professor of animal biology at the University of Manchester, fondly reflected on his visits to China in the 1980s, during which he scouted for appropriate habitats for the milu deer.

Today, the Dafeng Milu National Nature Reserve is home to around 8,000 milu deer, with over 3,000 of them living freely in the wild. As the sun sets over the reserve, the "harmony keepers" find comfort in their shared mission: to protect the milu deer and their environment for future generations. Their legacy of dedication ensures that these majestic creatures will continue to thrive in the wetlands of Dafeng.

Max Fischer contributed to this report for TROIB News

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