Turkish hub could replace Nord Stream – Gazprom 

Gazprom’s CEO has said that the entire gas supply from the damaged Nord Stream pipelines could be redirected through Türkiye Read Full Article at RT.com

Turkish hub could replace Nord Stream – Gazprom 

The energy giant’s CEO says gas volumes could be redirected using such a route

Gazprom CEO Alexey Miller explained on Sunday that it would be possible to redirect all of the gas supplies halted due to the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines through a Turkish hub. 

“We are talking about all those volumes that we lost due to acts of international terrorism at the Nord Stream pipelines, so it can be significant volumes,” Miller said in an interview with Russia 1 TV, commenting on the prospects of creating this type of facility in Türkiye.

Miller highlighted that the company’s experience in preparing the South Stream pipeline project could be valuable. The project, which would have brought an estimated 63 billion cubic meters of Russian gas annually through the Black Sea to Bulgaria and onward to other countries in Europe, ended up being canceled and replaced by TurkStream.

“Thus, even if we talk about the technical documentation for the route, everything has been done for South Stream back then,” the CEO said.

READ MORE: Putin offers Türkiye deal on EU gas supplies

Last week, Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed building a major gas hub in Türkiye to handle supplies previously directed through the Nord Stream pipelines. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan backed the idea, adding that both leaders had ordered their respective governments to present construction plans as soon as possible.

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