Trump’s Supporters Worry He May Falter in the Debate — His Prime Opportunity to Recover Against Harris

The difficulty lies in ensuring that the former president adheres to the prepared remarks.

Trump’s Supporters Worry He May Falter in the Debate — His Prime Opportunity to Recover Against Harris
Tuesday's debate presents a pivotal chance for former President Donald Trump to regain his standing in the presidential race. However, many Republicans are concerned that Trump might falter, especially if he targets Vice President Kamala Harris with personal attacks. GOP leaders and Trump's own advisers have continuously urged him to concentrate on critiquing her policy record; nevertheless, Trump seems disinclined to avoid making personal remarks.

“I assume she'll come in very, very aggressive, and she will try to bait him, getting very angry, and she'll be personal and try to demean him,” said former House Speaker Newt Gingrich. “I think, I hope, what he'll do is be a guy who's been a real president — while she has been kind of a semi-vice president — and a guy who knows all the world leaders, and a guy who has been through an enormous amount, and just be calm and steady and stick to the real differences.”

Many of Trump's supporters are hopeful yet apprehensive about his capacity to maintain a disciplined demeanor. "I think — I pray — he can be disciplined,” expressed Tricia McLaughlin, a Republican strategist worried about Trump's propensity for personal attacks. McLaughlin highlighted concerns that Trump might react negatively if he perceives an imbalance in the debate setup, especially with ABC moderators David Muir and Linsey Davis, whom Trump has criticized as being part of a "dishonest" network.

Amidst these challenges, Trump crafts his strategy, which involves less focus on extensive preparation and more on contrasting his policies against Harris's tenure as vice president. A Trump campaign official stated, “President Trump does unscripted interviews with a variety of outlets, including new media outlets online, he gives unscripted hour-plus press conferences, he gives speeches that include a lot of material, extemporaneously. The idea that he has to ‘prepare for a debate’ is absurd.”

Senator Lindsey Graham, another ally of Trump, emphasized the importance of steering clear of personal insults and focusing on policy in a New York Times op-ed. “Far more worthwhile for Mr. Trump is his record of success,” Graham wrote. “The road to the White House runs through a vigorous policy debate, not an exchange of barbs.”

Similarly, in terms of debate strategy, Representative Don Bacon underscored that his constituents prefer discussions centered around issues rather than personal attacks or trivial matters. Those helping Trump with debate preparations include notable figures like Representative Matt Gaetz and advisers Chris LaCivita, Susie Wiles, and Jason Miller.

Ryan Williams, another GOP consultant, encouraged Trump to present himself as composed and policy-focused during the debate. Meanwhile, Rob Stutzman speculated on the challenge Trump might face in avoiding reactive jabs, likening him to a "lab rat hitting the cocaine pan instead of the food pan" when provoked.

Despite the varied advice from allies and strategists, Trump himself seemed confident in his readiness. During a New Hampshire radio interview, he stated, “I have been preparing all my life for this debate... But there’s not a lot you can do.”

As the debate approaches, all eyes will be on Trump to see whether he can adapt his approach, focus on substantial policy issues, and avoid the pitfalls of personal attacks that might alienate potential voters.With the debate looming, anticipation builds not only among supporters but also within the Republican establishment, who recognize the stakes involved. Trump's historical style has often leaned toward confrontation, and the party's strategists are aware that anything short of a disciplined performance could undermine his candidacy. Many are keenly aware that the debate serves as a pivotal moment in the race, especially considering how a misstep could jeopardize his position in key battleground states.

Political operatives argue that Trump's previous successes in debates were largely tied to his ability to focus on policy alternatives and not solely on personal attacks. This trend will be crucial as he engages with Harris, who, according to those familiar with her style, is likely to be both aggressive and well-prepared. Experts within the GOP note that Harris's experience as a senator, combined with a calculated debate strategy, could present unique challenges for Trump.

As the debate nears, various factions within the Republican party convey a collective message: maintain focus on issues like the economy, immigration, and national security. Vox populi from the party suggests that these are the areas where Republicans need to excel in order to resonate with disenchanted swing voters. Given that many voters may still be forming an opinion on Harris, Trump’s ability to highlight policy failures instead of engaging in personal spats could sway undecided constituents.

Observers are also noting the political environment's shift since Trump's last major debate showdown with Biden, where he faced criticism for being combative. The perception that he may pivot to a more restrained demeanor against Harris is something his team is hoping will play to his advantage. With the former president navigating uncharted waters, the GOP is strategizing to mitigate the risks of his debating style while hoping he capitalizes on Harris's less-established public persona.

Significantly, a diverse coalition of advisors continues to underscore the necessity of Trump showcasing a clear contrast with Harris. This is not merely to challenge her direct record but to capitalize on messaging that highlights the Biden administration's struggles. Allies are urging Trump to encapsulate a broader vision for the future rather than rehashing past grievances.

There is consensus among many Republicans that Harris's political acumen could catch Trump off guard if he underestimates her abilities. Her years of service and her adeptness at navigating high-stakes exchanges are qualities that could create gaps in Trump’s traditional approach.

In light of these dynamics, Trump supporters argue that a successful debate performance is essential not just for his campaign, but also as an imperative for the party as a whole. A cohesive display of leadership, drawing from experience while addressing voters' pressing concerns, could solidify his base and potentially entice undecided voters looking for a viable alternative in a challenging political landscape.

As Trump prepares for what many are calling a make-or-break moment, the pressure to balance his bombastic persona with a composed and issue-focused approach intensifies. The outcomes of this debate may well set the stage for the following months leading into the primaries, making every moment and every exchange critical as he seeks to reclaim his status as the frontrunner in the race for the White House.

Rohan Mehta for TROIB News