Jeff Bezos weighs in on Washington Post leadership saga

“You have my full commitment on maintaining the quality, ethics, and standards we all believe in,” Bezos wrote.

Jeff Bezos weighs in on Washington Post leadership saga

Billionaire Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos insisted the newspaper’s journalistic standards and ethics “will not change” in an email to newsroom leaders Tuesday — without directly addressing recent reporting that raised ethics concerns about CEO Will Lewis and an incoming senior editor.

The email, obtained by POLITICO, marks the first time Bezos’ comments on the ongoing controversy at The Washington Post have been made public.

“Team — I know you’ve already heard this from Will, but I wanted to also weigh in directly: the journalistic standards and ethics at The Post will not change,” Bezos wrote in the email. He added, “You have my full commitment on maintaining the quality, ethics, and standards we all believe in.”

Lewis and incoming executive editor Robert Winnett have been the subject of recent reports alleging they previously used ethically questionable means to gather information. On Sunday, The Washington Post published a scathing report alleging Winnett worked with a man who used deceptive tactics to secure confidential information while at the Sunday Times. And on Saturday, The New York Times reported Lewis and Winnett used stolen phone and company records while reporting two articles at the British newspaper.

For both articles, Lewis declined to comment through a Washington Post spokesperson and Winnett did not respond.

“To be sure, it can’t be business as usual at The Post. The world is evolving rapidly and we do need to change as a business,” Bezos wrote in the email, adding, “But … our standards at The Post have always been very high. That can’t change — and it won’t."

The New York Times reported last week that in private meetings, the Amazon founder has backed Lewis and his plan to restructure the Post newsroom.

Former President Donald Trump attacked The Washington Post on Truth Social Sunday, referencing Bezos specifically. “You would think Bezos … would want to at least see REAL Journalism, not Fake Stories that do nothing but hurt and demean our Country,” he wrote.