House passes bill to block federal gas stove ban
Republicans have touted the legislation as pushback against overreach by the Biden administration.

After a weeklong blockade of floor action by conservatives, the House passed bipartisan legislation Tuesday to prevent the federal government from banning gas stoves — the latest Republican bid to stop what they say is the Biden administration's anti-fossil fuel agenda.
The bill and a related measure expected to pass this week on efficiency measures for the appliances are unlikely to get votes in the Democratic-controlled Senate. But Republicans have touted their legislation as pushback against overreach by the Biden administration, even though there are no federal proposals to outright prohibit the sale of gas stoves under consideration.
Lawmakers passed the Gas Stove Protection and Freedom Act, H.R. 1615 (118), which would bar the Consumer Product Safety Commission from banning gas stoves by a 248-180 vote. Twenty-nine Democrats ultimately voted alongside Republicans to support the measure.
"We know the motivation of the CPSC and throughout this entire administration is a green climate push," Rep. Kelly Armstrong (R-N.D.), the sponsor of the legislation, said. "The goal is to dictate how you live every aspect of your life — how you save and invest for the future by pushing ESG, how you drive by banning gas-powered cars, and now the goal is to control how you cook."
The votes came after House conservatives unexpectedly revolted last week and blocked a procedural measure setting up consideration of the legislation, a move aimed at showing their frustration over the deal Speaker Kevin McCarthy struck with the White House to raise the debt ceiling. McCarthy and the GOP hardliners eventually reached an agreement this week, teeing up advancement of the gas stove bill.
The Consumer Product Safety Commission legislation would block the commission from using federal funds to ban gas stoves or to enforce any consumer product safety standard on gas stoves that would result in a prohibition of the appliance or substantially increase its average price.
"Now they want to tell you what kind of stove you have to operate in your home and having to pick a less efficient and more costly option by banning gas stoves," said Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-La.). "We're pushing back against that."
Republicans say the action, alongside a separate proposed efficiency rulemaking at the Energy Department, is an example of federal overreach infringing on consumers' choices. It also comes as several Democratic-led cities and states seek to ban the appliances in new buildings.
"This week, we will hold the Biden administration accountable by standing up for the American people to stop the outrageous and really insane ban on gas stoves — a bad idea that started in New York that is now being embraced by every Democrat and the Biden administration," said Republican Conference Chair Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.) on Tuesday.
New York recently became the first state to ban gas stoves from most new buildings through legislative action. Other states have sought to do so through building codes.
The Consumer Product Safety Commission is not currently considering a ban and has made clear it has no plans to pursue a national ban on gas stoves after one of its members opened the door to the possibility earlier this year. Instead, the commission has opened an inquiry into the potential health hazards of gas stove emissions.
The Biden administration Monday urged a federal court to reverse its April decision that struck down a ban on gas hookups in Berkeley, Calif., as a violation of federal energy efficiency law.
House Democrats who opposed the bill called Republicans' arguments "misinformation" on Tuesday and said it was a distraction that will do nothing to address pressing issues such as tackling the impacts of climate change.
"I just don't quite understand the energy and hysteria almost in places about gas stoves," said Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.), a member of the Energy and Commerce Committee. "No one is taking away your gas stove."
Democrats, including House Energy and Commerce ranking member Frank Pallone (D-N.J.), also say the legislation would stifle the safety commission's ability to investigate potentially hazardous products. The agency, for example, issued a recall last year on specific gas ranges due to serious risk of injury from carbon monoxide poisoning.
"What you're basically saying is that this agency that protects our safety and health is just basically going to be emasculated and can't do its job," Pallone said on the floor Tuesday. "What possible help is that?"
Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-S.C.), the chair of the Energy and Commerce subcommittee on energy, climate and grid security, has previously pushed back that the bill wouldn't stop the commission from acting under its statute to address "true safety hazards" associated with "faulty" gas stoves.
The White House, for its part, said it "strongly" opposed the bill. But it did not go as far as saying President Joe Biden would veto the legislation should it reach his desk.
Lawmakers also backed an amendment to the bill from Colorado GOP Rep. Lauren Boebert on a 222-210 vote to expand the prohibition on federal funding to include regulations that would result in the unavailability in the U.S. of a type or class of product based on the type of fuel the product consumes.
The House is also expected to vote this week on the Save Our Gas Stoves Act, H.R. 1640 (118), which would prohibit the Energy Department from finalizing or enforcing its proposed efficiency standards for cooking tops and ovens.