Manchin undecided on Biden Fed picks before key votes

Lawmakers will vote later today on two other, more divisive nominees to the institution.

Manchin undecided on Biden Fed picks before key votes

Sen. Joe Manchin on Wednesday said he is still weighing whether to support Federal Reserve nominees Lisa Cook and Adriana Kugler, raising the stakes for what was already set to be a nail-biting vote.

"We're still working on that," the West Virginia Democrat told reporters, adding he has "not completely" made up his mind about them.

Even with Manchin's support, Senate Democrats need at least one Republican to help advance Cook and Kugler's nominations Wednesday because of two absences — Sens. Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island and Cory Booker of New Jersey. Sen. Mike Rounds (R-S.D.), who supported Cook and Kugler in committee, said Wednesday he would vote for them on the floor.

The Senate is scheduled to vote Wednesday afternoon to extend Cook's term as a Fed governor and to take a procedural vote on whether to give Kugler a Fed board seat.

Senate Banking Chair Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) told reporters that he has the votes to confirm the nominees. The Senate Wednesday promoted Fed board member Philip Jefferson to be the central bank's vice chair in an 88-10 vote.

Rounds was the only Republican to support Cook and Kugler when Senate Banking advanced their nominations in July. Manchin voted to confirm Cook last year.