Gazprom discloses major challenge for Nord Stream

Russia’s Gazprom says Siemens is ready to correct the latest Nord Stream pipeline fault, but there is nowhere to service the failed turbine Read Full Article at

Gazprom discloses major challenge for Nord Stream

The Russian company earlier said the main turbine pumping gas to Europe was found to have an engine oil leak

Germany’s Siemens Energy is ready to correct a turbine fault in the Nord Stream 1 natural gas pipeline, but there is currently nowhere to service the failed equipment, Russian energy major Gazprom said on Saturday.

“Siemens is taking part in the repair works under the terms of the current contract [with Gazprom], has detected faults and signed an act on diagnosing of oil leaks, and is ready to fix them,” the Russian company said via its Telegram channel.

“There is just no place to carry out the repair works,” Gazprom added, providing no further details.

Earlier this week, the company an engine oil leak was found in the turbine during a joint inspection with manufacturer Siemens Energy at the Portovaya compressor station near St.Petersburg.

READ MORE: Gazprom reveals reasons behind indefinite shutdown of Nord Stream pipeline

Natural gas supplies via Nord Stream, a major gas route from Russia to Europe, have been terminated for an indefinite period due to the leakage. The pipeline had been due to restart early on Saturday after a three-day maintenance break.

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