French authorities express concerns about the possibility of World War III - Le Monde

Paris is reportedly concerned that the Ukraine conflict might escalate into World War III if the West permits Kiev to conduct long-range attacks on Russia. Read Full Article at

French authorities express concerns about the possibility of World War III - Le Monde
There are rising concerns in Paris about the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine potentially leading to a global war. According to a report by Le Monde, which cites diplomatic sources, members of the French government are increasingly worried about the situation getting out of hand and are maintaining "great discretion."

The anxiety has intensified recently with reports suggesting that the US and its NATO allies might allow Kiev to launch attacks deep within Russian territory utilizing Western-supplied weapons.

Although France has not declared an official stance on these developments, diplomats speaking anonymously have expressed that there are significant worries within the government about escalation, and efforts are being made to prevent it.

"We must do everything possible to avoid World War III," one official confided to the newspaper.

"One cannot simply dismiss the hypothesis that the Russians could expand the scale of their military operations," the same official noted, in reference to explicit warnings from senior Russian figures, including President Vladimir Putin.

On a related note, last Thursday, Putin cautioned that any decision to remove constraints on Ukraine's use of Western arms would implicate the US and its NATO allies directly in the conflict, prompting a severe response. He explained that the advanced weaponry provided to Ukraine is heavily reliant on Western technology for intelligence and targeting, rendering Kiev dependent on Western support for its operation.

Echoing Putin's views, Russia's UN envoy Vassily Nebenzia stressed that allowing Ukraine to use such weapons would be tantamount to a declaration of "open war" between NATO and Russia. He argued that Western nations would not be able to shift the blame onto Kiev in such a scenario.

Lucas Dupont for TROIB News