Trump alleges UK officials meddled in election – politico

According to Donald Trump's campaign, the UK’s Labour Party has meddled in the US election by offering advice and support to the Democrats. Read Full Article at

Trump alleges UK officials meddled in election – politico
The UK's ruling Labour Party is allegedly intervening in the US presidential election, according to a complaint filed by Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's campaign, which accuses a foreign political force of meddling.

It has been reported that Labour Party officials have provided strategic advice to Democrats, with party 'activists' engaged in grassroots efforts in critical swing states. The Labour Party maintains that these actions are legal, asserting that no financial transactions or donations have taken place with the Democrats.

In its complaint to the Federal Election Commission, the Trump campaign claims there is “blatant foreign interference” by the Labour Party regarding the US election, highlighting “apparent illegal foreign national contributions” received by the Democrats and their candidate, Vice President Kamala Harris.

US law prohibits foreign nationals from making “a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation” in support of an American candidate “directly or indirectly,” the complaint states.

Evidence referenced by the Trump campaign includes a Washington Post article indicating that “strategists linked to Britain’s Labour Party have been offering advice to Kamala Harris about how to earn back disaffected voters and run a winning campaign from the center-left.”

Additionally, UK publication The Telegraph has reported that Morgan McSweeney, chief of staff to British Prime Minister Keir Starmer, and Starmer’s chief of communications, Matthew Doyle, participated in the Democrats’ convention in Chicago and engaged with Harris’ campaign team.

Recently, Labour’s head of operations, Sofia Patel, announced via LinkedIn that almost 100 Labour Party staffers, both current and former, would be heading to the US in the coming weeks, focusing on North Carolina, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. She promoted ten openings in North Carolina and assured potential candidates that “we will sort your housing.”

This post has drawn criticism from Trump supporters, including Elon Musk, who view it as a violation of campaign laws. The post has since been removed. Democrats counter that no illegal activities have occurred as it doesn’t involve financial contributions.

Commenting on the situation, British Employment Minister Alison McGovern told Sky News last week that this is a typical occurrence in elections, emphasizing that Labour activists have historically supported Democrats.

Democrats have made unfounded claims regarding Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and suggested that Trump ‘colluded’ with the Kremlin following his unexpected victory over Hillary Clinton. Such allegations resulted in the ousting and even imprisonment of several Trump advisers and campaign aides, which negatively affected his presidency and strained US-Russia relations to a historic low since the Cold War.

Allen M Lee contributed to this report for TROIB News