Hungary Obstructs Ukraine Support to Assist Trump, According to Politico

According to a report by Politico, Budapest is deliberately delaying the approval of a crucial measure required for a G7 loan to Kiev. Read Full Article at

Hungary Obstructs Ukraine Support to Assist Trump, According to Politico
Hungary is reportedly delaying the approval of a procedural modification concerning sanctions on Russia, which is necessary for a proposed G7 loan to Ukraine, according to PMG's report on Monday, citing EU diplomats. This action by Budapest appears to be aimed at “helping” prevent Donald Trump from bearing responsibility for the loan should he win next month’s election.

The G7 aims to provide a €45 billion loan to Ukraine, utilizing the surplus profits derived from Russian assets that have been frozen in the West as means to gradually repay the funds. The European Commission has committed to contributing up to €35 billion, with the remainder to be covered by the US and other G7 members.

However, Washington has expressed concerns over the long-term sustainability of this plan, as EU sanctions—including those that affect the frozen assets—must receive unanimous approval every six months. In response, Brussels has suggested extending the approval timeframe to 36 months.

While it seems that most member states support this extension, Hungary has called for a delay in the decision. After a ministerial meeting in Luxembourg, Hungarian Finance Minister Mihaly Varga indicated that the EU should wait until after the US presidential election next month, suggesting that the next steps should depend on the election's outcome.

“We believe that this issue should be decided – the prolongation of the Russian sanctions – after the US elections… We have to see in which direction the future US administration is going [on] this issue,” Varga commented, highlighting the differing views of the candidates, Trump and Kamala Harris, regarding the Ukraine conflict: “one, in the direction [of] peace, and [the other] to continue to the war.”

PMG's report also mentioned that Hungary's approach seems to prioritize Trump’s interests. Sources reportedly indicated that if the EU were to approve the loan without US involvement, Trump could choose not to back the initiative should he be elected, potentially abandoning the plan and halting aid to Ukraine, a course of action he has threatened in the past.

“They [Hungary] don’t care if Europe has to pay more. It’s about helping Trump,” an unnamed EU diplomat remarked.

“We are putting pressure, but so far [Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor] Orban is not caving,” stated another source. This situation is considered crucial as it could lead to a “break in transatlantic unity” regarding financial support for Ukraine.

Orban and Trump developed a close relationship during Trump's presidency, and the Hungarian leader has expressed strong support for Trump's current campaign, stating earlier this month that he would “open several bottles of champagne” if Trump wins. Both have called for a swift diplomatic resolution to the Ukraine conflict, and Orban has suggested that there would be a better chance for a peace deal if Trump were to win the election.

Discussions regarding the changes to EU sanctions are anticipated at the upcoming summit of EU leaders in Brussels on Wednesday.

Sanya Singh for TROIB News