FIFA Opts Not to Ban Israel, According to Reports

The FIFA Council is said to be unlikely to suspend Israeli teams from its competitions, following a prior delay in making a decision. Read Full Article at

FIFA Opts Not to Ban Israel, According to Reports
The Palestinian Football Association has urged for a ban on Israel from participating in sporting events due to the ongoing war in Gaza.

Reports indicate that FIFA, the global governing body of football, has no plans to suspend Israeli teams from its tournaments linked to the conflict in Gaza. The Palestinian Football Association initially submitted a proposal for Israel’s suspension in May, citing the armed conflict that has persisted since last October. FIFA has postponed its decision regarding this issue twice, with the latest delay occurring in late August. At that time, the organization stated that its executive council, based in Zurich, would review the situation in early October.

On Monday, the Israeli sports website ONE reported that no sanctions would be placed on the Israel Football Association or its national team. However, the report did not disclose the source of this insider information. According to the outlet, Israel benefited from the matter being reviewed by the 37-member FIFA Council, noting that if the issue were addressed by the FIFA Congress—the association's highest legislative body with over 200 members—"we would have no chance against the global majority, which is currently against Israel."

Supporters of the Palestinian initiative contend that the Israeli military actions in Gaza breach FIFA’s core principles, justifying a response from the organization. The death toll from the conflict, which escalated following a deadly Hamas incursion into Israel on October 7 of the previous year, has exceeded 41,000, with estimates suggesting it could be much higher according to various humanitarian agencies and observers.

In response to the ONE report, Russian lawmaker Dmitry Svishchev remarked that if the information proves accurate, it exemplifies the double standards in international sports, a sentiment that Russia has experienced firsthand. He stated, “Russia, it appears, has no rights. Any action by our nation is treated as forbidden, leading to disqualification of athletes. If Israel plays in FIFA international tournaments, why can’t Russians be allowed?”

FIFA had suspended Russian teams from its tournaments in February 2022 as a reaction to the outbreak of the conflict in Ukraine.

Debra A Smith for TROIB News