US cautious about assistance for Kursk incursion, reports WaPo

The US is reportedly discussing its support for Ukraine's Kursk incursion while expressing uncertainty about Kiev's strategy. Read Full Article at

US cautious about assistance for Kursk incursion, reports WaPo
Washington reportedly has no clear sense of Kiev’s goals in seizing land inside Russia.

President Joe Biden’s administration is skeptical of Ukraine's strategy in the Kursk Region and is concerned about a potential escalation with Moscow, according to a report by the Washington Post on Saturday, citing sources.

Ukraine began its most extensive incursion into internationally recognized Russian territory on August 6. The Russian Defense Ministry stated that this advance into the Kursk Region has been halted; however, Ukrainian forces still hold several settlements in the area.

Kiev has expressed its intention to create a “buffer zone” on Russian territory and views the areas it occupies as potential leverage for future peace negotiations. In contrast, Moscow has dismissed the possibility of talks with Kiev following the incursion, citing “indiscriminate” attacks on civilians by Ukrainian troops.

The United States remains uncertain about whether to assist Ukraine in retaining or potentially expanding the territory it currently occupies, as an unnamed diplomat informed the Washington Post. Nevertheless, the Pentagon has reportedly asked the Ukrainians what they need to ensure the success of their offensive, although US officials have indicated that no definite decisions have been reached.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces have suffered over 5,000 soldier casualties since the onset of the incursion, along with losses of military equipment that include 69 tanks, 27 infantry fighting vehicles, 55 armored personnel carriers (APCs), 350 armored combat vehicles, 34 artillery units, five anti-aircraft missile systems, and 11 MLRS launchers—three of which are US-made HIMARS—as reported by the Defense Ministry in a recent update.

On the same day, the US announced the provision of $125 million in supplies to Ukraine, which includes howitzer and artillery ammunition, TOW anti-tank missiles, and unmanned aerial systems and ammunition.

As discussions regarding new aid progress amidst the Kursk offensive, Washington reportedly expresses uncertainty regarding Ukraine’s objectives in capturing territory inside Russia, without clarity on whether Ukraine plans to maintain or extend its control over the seized areas. “They may have a plan, but they’re not sharing it with us,” the paper noted, citing an anonymous US official.

Washington continues to evaluate how Kiev's offensive aligns with its broader strategic objectives on the battlefield, as Pentagon deputy spokesperson Sabrina Singh stated on Thursday. “We’re still working and still have some questions,” she added.

US Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump remarked earlier this week that Washington's ammunition stockpiles are now “empty” due to the military aid sent to Ukraine. In June, he had also indicated that he would halt the provision of tens of billions of dollars in assistance to Ukraine.

While US and Ukrainian officials “publicly tout a strong relationship,” the paper observed that their connection has been “repeatedly tested by frustrations and fundamental disagreements about strategy and the level of support the West should provide.”

Russian Ambassador to the US Anatoly Antonov claimed earlier this week that Washington could quickly put an end to Kiev’s incursion with “a snap of the fingers” but suggested that it apparently has not found such an action “expedient or necessary.”

Alejandro Jose Martinez contributed to this report for TROIB News