Major anti-NATO rally hits Paris streets

A major protest against France’s NATO membership and anti-Russia sanctions took place in Paris over the weekend Read Full Article at

Major anti-NATO rally hits Paris streets

Protesters called for a review of France’s policies towards the US-led bloc and Moscow, and denounced anti-Russia sanctions

Crowds of protesters took to the streets of the French capital on Saturday to protest France’s policies towards Russia and the nation’s NATO membership. The large-scale rally was organized by the right-wing Les Patriotes (The Patriots) party, led by Florian Philippot, the former deputy head of Marine Le Pen’s National Rally.

Philippot has been organizing protests dubbed "the resistance" since autumn, demanding that France leave NATO and the EU, as well as criticizing President Emmanuel Macron’s economic and foreign policies. On Saturday, demonstrators were seen carrying banners and placards that read: "France must leave NATO," "Macron’s impeachment," and "Resistance!" They were also seen waving France’s national flag and chanting "Ursula, shut up!" – a reference to the EU Commission head Ursula von der Leyen.