Explosive package found in US Embassy in Madrid
A sixth letter bomb has been intercepted at the US embassy in Madrid, Spain, similar to the one sent to Ukrainian embassy the day before Read Full Article at RT.com

Reports suggest explosive is similar to the five letter bombs sent to Ukrainian embassy and other targets in Spain
Spanish police cordoned off the area around the US embassy in Madrid and activated anti-terrorist protocols on Thursday after a letter bomb was delivered to the building, Spainish authorities say.
According to the Spanish Interior Ministry, police successfully detonated the package after evacuating nearby buildings. The Ministry noted that there have been no reports of injuries related to the incident.
This comes after five letter bombs were sent to various targets across the country in the past two days, including to the Ukrainian embassy in Madrid, where one worker was injured on Wednesday after opening the package.
Spain’s deputy interior minister Rafael Perez explained on Thursday at a press conference that the shipments appeared to have been hand made and were all sent in brown envelopes containing pyrotechnic material and an activation system inside. He pointed out that according to preliminary analysis, the system of these packages is meant to cause a flare, but not an explosion. He suggested that the letters do not justify raising the terror threat level in the country and has encouraged people to stay calm.
The packages, which Perez says were sent from within Spain, were discovered at Spain’s Defense Ministry, a satellite center at the Torrejón de Ardoz air base and an arms factory in the northeastern city of Zaragoza that makes grenade launchers sent to Ukraine, according to a statement by Spanish authorities on Thursday.
#ÚLTIMAHORA Otro paquete bomba en la embajada de EEUU en Madrid. Sería el sexto del día. pic.twitter.com/YAZlYPPle0
— Borja Jiménez (@borjajimenezd) December 1, 2022
It was also revealed that Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez received the same kind of package on November 24, which was subsequently disposed of by bomb squad experts.
After Wednesday’s explosion at the Ukrainian Embassy, which left one worker with minor injuries, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba ordered that security be stepped up at all Ukrainian embassies around the world and has asked Spanish authorities for a quick and thorough investigation into the incident.
A government official in the city of Zaragoza has said that both the factory and Ukrainian embassy packages had the same email address listed as the sender, according to AP. No further details were given.
Spain’s National Court has since announced that it has officially opened an investigation into the string of incidents, which it is treating as an act of terrorism.