Ex-LA Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa Contests California Governor Position Again

Villaraigosa proposed that he would be the most effective opponent to Trumpism in the state.

Ex-LA Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa Contests California Governor Position Again
LOS ANGELES — Antonio Villaraigosa, the former Mayor of Los Angeles, has announced he is entering the race to become the next governor of California in 2026. Having unsuccessfully run for the office in 2018, Villaraigosa positions himself as a practical choice for voters, prepared to make tough and potentially unpopular leadership decisions.

"I’ve not been afraid to take on the tough issues,” Villaraigosa stated before sharing his campaign plans with POLITICO on Tuesday.

Unlike other Democrats who have leaned strongly towards progressive platforms, Villaraigosa is adopting a pragmatic approach, ready to depart from strict party lines. “I'm not looking to be the most popular guy in town. I have a record that demonstrates that I've been willing to take on those tough issues,” he explained.

At 71, Villaraigosa is focused solely on state leadership. “I'm not running for anything else,” he said. “So a popularity contest is not what I'm looking for. You're never gonna see Antonio Villaraigosa — candidate for president or vice president. I want to be a damn good governor.”

Villaraigosa previously campaigned as a centrist, attempting to appeal to more conservative voters by criticizing policies like single-payer healthcare. His strategy involved winning over Los Angeles and engaging Latino voters across California, particularly in the Central Valley. However, he faced significant hurdles with fundraising and voter turnout, ultimately finishing third in the Democratic primary.

As the 2026 race begins to shape up, Villaraigosa faces no clear front-runner and enters an environment fraught with challenges like homelessness, and economic issues affecting middle-income families. Other Democrats including Lt. Gov. Eleni Kounalakis, state Sen. Toni Atkins, and others have thrown their hats in the ring, alongside potential Republican candidates.

Villaraigosa recently endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris and positioned himself as a staunch opponent of Trumpism. “Make no mistake about it — if people are looking for someone to take on Donald Trump, who better than a civil rights leader who, his entire life, has taken on right-wing politicians and ideologues? Who better than a labor leader who understands the challenges that working people have in buying groceries and putting food on the table,” he asserted.

In his campaign announcement video, he promoted his record on law enforcement, education, and fiscal responsibility. His platform targets public safety, education, and economic issues, drawing on his extensive political experience including roles as a union organizer, ACLU chapter president, and a key figure in Los Angeles politics.

“People are more interested in what you're going to do for them,” Villaraigosa remarked. “And the best way to know what you can do for them is to demonstrate what you've done before.”

His political journey also includes tackling issues in gun control, LGBTQ rights, and economic policies during his tenure in the state Assembly, where he also served as Speaker.

Despite his contributions to Los Angeles, his mayoral tenure was not without controversy, including a personal scandal and strained relations with unions. Reflecting on these experiences, Villaraigosa admitted, “I've made my mistakes. Let's be clear about that.” However, he emphasized his commitment to learning from these challenges.

Since leaving office, Villaraigosa has remained active in both the public and private sectors. His consultancy work, including roles at Herbalife and Coinbase, has been scrutinized, but his the desire for government service led him back into infrastructure and political advising roles across the state.

“I also met with the Republican leaders and people were surprised,” he mentioned about his bipartisan efforts in infrastructure and job creation. “They said, ‘Well, we have a two-thirds [majority] vote’ in Sacramento.” I said, I know but … infrastructure and middle class jobs isn’t a partisan issue, it ought to be a bipartisan issue.”Continuing from his bipartisan remarks, Villaraigosa underscored the significance of reaching across the aisle to achieve substantial societal improvements which benefit all Californians, not just those aligned with his party. This approach, he believes, is crucial in a state as diverse and complex as California.

As the race heats up, Villaraigosa's focus on addressing the practical needs of Californians while leveraging his extensive political experience may set him apart in a crowded field. His commitment to problem-solving and readiness to tackle statewide issues head-on were themes he repeatedly emphasized, hoping to resonate with voters tired of partisan politics.

His candidacy represents not just a political comeback but a strategic repositioning in a changing political landscape. With demographic shifts and economic challenges forefront, Villaraigosa’s campaign aims to connect with a broad spectrum of voters, from urban centers to the agricultural heartlands, addressing concerns ranging from economic stability and environmental policies to healthcare and educational reforms.

With a deep-rooted history in California politics and a clear message of pragmatic governance, Villaraiguaosa is positioning himself as a candidate ready to guide California through its present challenges with a steady hand and experienced leadership. As the electoral season progresses, it will be interesting to see how his approach of prioritizing governance over politics will play out among the electorate, shaping the future of California governance.

Sophie Wagner for TROIB News