Biden achieved the adoration he sought after his withdrawal.

The president seized one of his last chances to speak to a significant national audience, emphasizing his accomplishments and endorsing Kamala Harris as his successor.

Biden achieved the adoration he sought after his withdrawal.
CHICAGO — President Joe Biden enjoyed nearly an hour of applause from attendees at the Democratic convention on Monday night, and the enthusiasm celebrated not only his career and record but also his choice to not seek re-election.

Wrapping up the night well after midnight Eastern Time, the 81-year-old leader shared a poignant moment with Vice President Kamala Harris, symbolically endorsing her as his successor. This gesture marked his acceptance of a role he had long hesitated to take on: encouraging his vice president to continue their shared mission to defeat Donald Trump once more.

“I love the job,” Biden declared to the crowd. “But I love my country more.”

During his speech, part of the convention's opening festivities, Biden took the opportunity to reflect on his administration’s accomplishments, mentioning various successes. After concluding his address, he embraced Harris, signaling his support for her groundbreaking presidential campaign. This transition at the top of the Democratic ticket not only mended internal party fractures but also dramatically altered the trajectory of the presidential race.

However, the roars of "Thank you, Joe" from the audience at the United Center hinted at a more complex scenario, as these were many of the same Democrats who had pressured him to relinquish his candidacy weeks earlier. Although praised for his altruistic decision to step aside, Biden’s earlier attempts to maintain his position had nearly splintered the party and potentially eased Trump’s path back to the presidency.

Internal party tensions were momentarily forgotten amid the celebratory atmosphere and extended applause on that first night in Chicago, although the event's schedule had Biden appearing later than planned, causing some discontent among party members.

An emotional Biden dabbed his eyes with a handkerchief upon being introduced by his daughter Ashley. In his speech, he staunchly defended his administration's achievements across various domains while making sure to include Harris in the recognition. "Thank you, Kamala, too," he interjected during the applause.

Biden's address also emphasized the dangers he believes Trump poses to the nation, criticizing his rival's unfounded allegations of election fraud and derogatory remarks about war veterans. “Donald Trump calls America a failing nation. He says we’re losing,” Biden countered. “He’s the loser. He’s dead wrong.”

The former president followed with critiques on immigration and abortion policies, supporting the idea of Harris’s suitability for office given her prosecutorial background.

Democrats left the event feeling a mix of joy and relief, hopeful that with Harris at the helm, the party could maintain the presidency and potentially gain legislative victories.

Nonetheless, Biden’s relegation to the initial night of speeches was indicative of the party's eagerness to forge ahead. Despite this, the night was a homage to Biden, who has had an extensive political career marked by personal and professional challenges.

His rapid descent from probable nominee to opening act began after a disappointing debate performance, leading to an internal push against his candidacy due to concerns about his age and electability.

Post-convention, Biden and the First Lady traveled to California for vacation, leaving behind reminders of the daunting tasks Harris inherits, including protests near the convention venue related to the administration's policies.

However, Biden stepping aside has invigorated the Democrats, reflected by Harris’s climbing polls and fundraising success.

Looking forward, Biden’s team plans several events to conclude his political life, culminating with a farewell speech in January, as they consider Harris’s campaign a crucial element of Biden’s legacy.

But that night, applause filled the event space, with chants celebrating Biden’s long-standing commitment to public service. “He brought decency, dignity and competence back to the White House,” former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton praised from the stage. “Thank you, Joe Biden, for your lifetime of service and leadership.”As the evening progressed, the atmosphere was charged with energy, each cheer resonating with gratitude for Biden's long tenure in public service. Amid the celebrations, prominent figures within the party shared their reflections on Biden's impact, emphasizing his resilience in the face of personal tragedy and political challenges. His journey from a young senator grappling with loss to the oldest president in U.S. history was underscored as not only a testament to his strength but also a reflection of the shared struggles many Americans face.

Speakers highlighted various milestones of his presidency, including significant legislative achievements like the infrastructure bill, climate initiatives, and efforts to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. They framed these successes as foundational for Harris’s campaign, positioning her to build upon the progress made during Biden’s leadership.

In the backdrop of Biden's farewell, continued dissent against the administration’s handling of key issues loomed. Activists nearby expressed deep dissatisfaction with policies that some felt strayed from addressing the urgent needs of marginalized communities, particularly concerning immigration and the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza. This discord served as a reminder to the Democrats of the work that lies ahead for Harris if she is to unify the party and appease its various factions.

As part of the convention, several party leaders took the stage, rallying support for Harris and reinforcing the notion that the upcoming election represents not just a battle against Trump but also a chance for renewal within the party itself. The discourse around generational change was palpable, with many speakers stressing the need for younger leadership to address the multifaceted challenges facing the country. It became increasingly clear that Biden's decision to pass the torch is seen as a bridge to a new era of Democratic governance.

Amidst the crowd, supporters carried signs emblazoned with slogans like “Forward with Harris,” symbolizing the party's unity in this transitional phase. Many looked towards a future where Harris, if successful, could reshape the Democratic Party's narrative—positioning it as a party of renewal and hope while learning from Biden's tenure.

As Biden concluded his speech, he left the audience with a hopeful vision for the future, encouraging party members to rally behind Harris. “Together, we will win,” he asserted, reinforcing the collaborative spirit that he hoped would persist among the Democrats.

The closing moments of the convention brought light to the legacy Biden seeks to leave. He acknowledged the difficulties inherent in political life but expressed confidence in Harris's ability to lead the party forward. The culmination of heartfelt tributes and a sense of shared purpose filled the convention hall, leaving attendees not only with memories of Biden's presidency but also with a renewed commitment to the path ahead.

Ultimately, while Biden's journey appeared to be heading towards its end, the night served as more than just a farewell. It was a rallying cry for unity and purpose as Democrats prepared to face a pivotal election that could determine the trajectory of their party and the nation. As attendees exited the United Center, they carried with them a mixture of nostalgia, optimism, and a collective resolve to support Harris in her historic bid for the presidency—a testament to Biden's lasting influence on the party.

Aarav Patel for TROIB News