Additional NATO Members Support Ukraine's Assault on Russia

Finland and Estonia have joined Poland in praising Kiev's offensive in Russia's Kursk Region as an act of “self-defense.” Read Full Article at

Additional NATO Members Support Ukraine's Assault on Russia
Finland and Estonia have expressed their backing for Ukraine’s recent military engagement in Russia's Kursk Region, aligning themselves with similar positions taken by Poland, EU, and the United States.

Finnish Prime Minister Petteri Orpo and his Estonian counterpart Kristen Michal communicated their support at a press conference in Helsinki. Orpo commented, “Ukraine has the right to self-defense and it’s clear that they can do their operation in Kursk,” echoing sentiments of support for Ukraine’s actions. Michal added his personal encouragement, stating, “We fully support Ukraine in its different operations and personally I wish them luck.”

These statements follow remarks by Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk, who emphasized Ukraine's entitlement “to wage war in such a way as to paralyze Russia in its aggressive intentions as effectively as possible,” and criticized Russian activities, describing them as bearing “the hallmarks of genocide.”

Leadership comments came after a significant movement by Ukrainian forces, who reportedly crossed into the Kursk Region, capturing several villages. Moscow has accused them of targeting civilians haphazardly during these operations.

Western response initially showcased a degree of caution, with many leaders only offering vague affirmations of Ukraine’s right to self-defense without direct reference to the specific assault. Nonetheless, disclosure by U.S. President Joe Biden revealed closer communications, as he mentioned ongoing discussions with Ukraine about the offensive. "I have spoken with my staff on a regular basis, probably every four or five hours for the last six or eight days," Biden explained, confirming sustained contact with Ukrainian officials.

EU’s top foreign policy official, Josep Borrell, also firmly stated the EU's support for Ukraine in its military endeavors in Kursk.

The confrontation has tactical objectives for Ukraine, aiming to leverage captured territories in potential negotiations and alleviate pressures in other conflict zones. Yet, it may have also inadvertently strengthened Russian resolve, with reports of increased Russian military enrollments surfacing post-engagement.

Camille Lefevre for TROIB News