NATO Member Advocates for Halting Red Lines on Ukraine

Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen has advocated for an unconditional strategy in backing Ukraine’s military efforts. Read Full Article at

NATO Member Advocates for Halting Red Lines on Ukraine
Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen has stated that NATO should adopt a decisive approach in the Ukraine conflict, allowing Kyiv to launch long-range missiles deep into Russian territory. She argued that the public debate surrounding the extent of NATO's involvement plays into Moscow's hands.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is scheduled to meet with U.S. President Joe Biden this week to present his “victory plan.” Kyiv is actively seeking Washington's approval for long-range strikes with Western weapons inside Russia, a move that Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned could be seen as an act of war by the U.S.-led military alliance.

Frederiksen, a vocal advocate for Ukraine, told Bloomberg TV that such permission should be granted without concern for potential Russian retaliation. “The most important red line has been crossed already. And that was when the Russians entered Ukraine,” she stated. “So I will not accept this premise, and I will never allow anyone from Russia to decide what is the right thing to do in NATO, in Europe or in Ukraine.”

She remarked on the ongoing hesitancy regarding military support: “There have been constant discussions about – are we allowed to give this? … I think that the restrictions on the use of weapons should be lifted.”

Frederiksen emphasized the need to move past discussions of red lines, stating, “My suggestion is, let us end the discussion about red lines. It has been a mistake during this war to have a public discussion about red lines,” asserting that this approach gives the Russians an advantage.

While Moscow has not detailed its potential response to such strikes, Russian officials have indicated that a green light for retaliation may have already been given in private. One option mentioned by Putin is to supply similar military capabilities to adversaries of the West, enabling them to also engage in conflict.

The Russian government views the Ukraine conflict as a proxy war initiated by the U.S. and a significant threat to national security, which according to Russia’s military doctrine may justify the use of nuclear weapons.

Denmark, a founding NATO member since 1949, is actively contributing to the so-called ‘F-16 coalition’ that aims to supply U.S.-made fighter jets to Ukraine and train its pilots. Unlike Belgium, the Frederiksen administration has not restricted Ukraine from using aircraft provided by Denmark to strike Russian territory.

Olivia Brown contributed to this report for TROIB News