Ex-top official enters 2024 US presidential race
Nikki Haley has announced that she is running for president of the US, becoming the first GOP candidate to challenge Donald Trump Read Full Article at RT.com

With single-digit support in current polls, Nikki Haley will face an uphill battle against Donald Trump
Former US ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley has announced that she is running for president in 2024. Haley is the first Republican to challenge former President Donald Trump for the GOP nomination.
Despite stating in 2021 that she would “not run if President Trump ran,” Haley announced her candidacy in a video on Tuesday morning.
Haley opened the video by boasting of her immigrant heritage, before accusing China and Iran of human rights abuses. Considered an establishment-friendly figure by conservative pundits and Trump’s base, Haley promised to “strengthen our country” against “China and Russia.”
A foreign policy hawk, Haley differs from Trump most significantly on issues of war and peace. For example, despite vowing in her video to take on “the Washington establishment,” Haley’s position on Ukraine is almost indistinguishable from that of the administration of President Joe Biden. Haley has described the country’s conflict with Russia as “a war for freedom” and has demanded since March that the White House provide Kiev with fighter jets.
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