AOC says lawmakers’ relationship with Zients is still a work in progress

“I do think it has shifted pretty significantly. I don’t think it’s a similar dynamic,” AOC said.

AOC says lawmakers’ relationship with Zients is still a work in progress

Progressive lawmakers’ relationship with the White House has “shifted pretty significantly” since chief of staff Jeff Zients replaced Ron Klain earlier this year, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez told POLITICO’s Playbook Deep Dive.

“I do think it has shifted pretty significantly. I don’t think it’s a similar dynamic,” Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) said in a podcast episode released Friday.

In January, it was announced that Klain would depart the White House as the longest-serving first chief of staff for any Democratic president. Zients took over in February at a time of a divided government, an increasingly contentious debt ceiling fight and the upcoming launch of a reelection campaign.

Zients has tried to develop relationships with Hill allies, including Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.), who chairs the Congressional Progressive Caucus.

“There’s a transition going on in the administration,” Jayapal said in March. “We were looking forward to developing a good relationship with Jeff Zients, but at this point, we’re not in that place yet. So we’re still working on it.”

Jayapal later added: “We’re getting to know each other, and I’ve been really pleased with how responsive and open they are.”

Since Zients' takeover, there have been different reviews of how communication between the White House and Congress has flowed. West Wing Playbook reported last month that Zients was working to improve his relationships with allies on Capitol Hill, routinely calling and texting key members, including Jayapal.

“I’ve spoken with Jeff several times since he’s become chief of staff and believe he is sincere about his commitment to working with progressives," Rep. Ro Khanna (D-Calif.) said in March. "Ron made it a priority to engage with Congress and it made a big difference. I know Jeff plans to do the same.”

Ocasio-Cortez recalled the dynamic with Klain as “very open.”

“Right now, you know, for me personally, it’s hard to tell sometimes what is getting through [to the White House] and what isn’t,” Ocasio-Cortez said. “From what I’ve been hearing with some grassroots partners, they don’t feel the same receptiveness or true partnership … that they had experienced previously.”

A White House spokesperson declined to comment.

Listen to the full interview in Playbook Deep Dive here.