Americans don’t know who to blame for potential debt default, poll shows

Most people polled agree with Biden's view on debt payment, however.

Americans don’t know who to blame for potential debt default, poll shows

Americans are split on which party they’d blame if the federal government defaults on its debts, according to a new ABC News/Washington Post poll.

The blame would likely fall slightly more on Republicans in Congress, with 39 percent of respondents saying it would be their fault. The Biden administration was only 3 percentage points behind, even as most respondents said they fall in line with the president's approach to the issue.

Sixteen percent of respondents said both parties would equally share the blame.

With the possible default approaching — it could happen as soon as June 1, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said earlier this week — 58 percent of people polled agreed with President Joe Biden’s view that debt payment and federal spending cuts should be handled separately.

On the other hand, only 26 percent of respondents take the Republican perspective that Congress should only let the government pay its debts if the administration agrees to spending cuts.

The poll, conducted from April 28 to Wednesday, surveyed a random sample of 1,006 adults across the country. It was composed of 26 percent Democrats, 25 percent Republicans and 41 percent Independents, with a margin of error of 3.5 percentage points.