NYT backs Harris as 'the only choice' for president

The editorial board has refrained from endorsing a Republican presidential candidate since Dwight Eisenhower in 1956.

NYT backs Harris as 'the only choice' for president
On Monday, The New York Times editorial board expressed its support for Vice President Kamala Harris, identifying her as “the only patriotic choice for president” while presenting a bleak forecast for a potential second term of former President Donald Trump.

Instead of emphasizing Harris’s strengths, the editorial began by enumerating reasons that disqualify Trump. The board asserted, “It is hard to imagine a candidate more unworthy to serve as president of the United States."

They added, “This unequivocal, dispiriting truth — Donald Trump is not fit to be president — should be enough for any voter who cares about the health of our country and the stability of our democracy to deny him re-election.” They argue that, despite any political disagreements, “Kamala Harris is the only patriotic choice for president.”

The endorsement of Harris was anticipated, given that the editorial board hasn’t supported a Republican presidential candidate since Dwight Eisenhower in 1956. However, the significance of their backing remains high due to the publication's influence. Just weeks before President Joe Biden exited the race in July, the board had released a harsh five-part editorial critical of Trump, echoing sentiments similar to those in Monday's endorsement.

In contrasting Harris with Trump, the editorial characterized her as a “dedicated public servant” and noted that she represents “more than a necessary alternative.” The board highlighted her proposals related to the economy, health care, foreign policy, and immigration as key reasons to prefer her over Trump.

Although the editorial acknowledged that some of Harris’s plans lack the detail that voters might desire, they emphasized the “clear dangers” posed by a second Trump presidency, referencing his refusal to accept the previous election’s results and his intentions to weaponize the government against opponents. “Unless American voters stand up to him, Mr. Trump will have the power to do profound and lasting harm to our democracy,” they cautioned.

While the board recognized a few positives during Trump's initial term, they also noted, “Yet even when the former president’s overall aim may have had merit, his operational incompetence, his mercurial temperament and his outright recklessness often led to bad outcomes.”

For these reasons, they concluded, “Kamala Harris is the only choice.”

James del Carmen contributed to this report for TROIB News