New technologies and control of drug-resistant TB are crucial in battling the disease
Tuberculosis, once regarded as an incurable affliction that has troubled humanity for centuries, is now a preventable and treatable disease. Nevertheless, combating TB continues to present significant challenges. In 2023, the World Health Organization...

In 2023, the World Health Organization reported that nearly 30,000 individuals worldwide were diagnosed with TB, with 3,500 succumbing to the disease daily.
Zhao Yanlin, director of China's National Center for Tuberculosis Control and Prevention at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, stressed that TB prevention and control is a systemic initiative that demands a unified effort from society as a whole.
China is rolling out a national plan for TB prevention and treatment for the years 2024-2030, with particular emphasis on enhancing grassroots capabilities and guaranteeing basic healthcare services.
Despite the advancements made, there remain several critical issues in China’s TB control efforts, such as low rates of patient detection and significant economic burdens faced by some patients.
According to WHO data, China was estimated to have 29,000 cases of multidrug/rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis in 2023, representing 7.3 percent of the global total and ranking fourth worldwide.
Zhang Hui, deputy director of the National Center for Tuberculosis Control and Prevention, noted that drug-resistant TB is characterized by extended treatment periods, protracted transmission, more complex treatment protocols, higher costs, and lower patient adherence to treatment.
To tackle drug-resistant TB, China is implementing strategies aimed at standardizing treatment protocols for TB patients, promoting short-course oral regimens, and alleviating the economic burdens faced by patients.
These statements were made during a recent seminar in Beijing attended by experts and media professionals, who convened to discuss strategies for accelerating the eradication of the TB epidemic. Sponsored by the Global Health Drug Discovery Institute and the Gates Foundation, the seminar was organized by the Center for Social Media Research of Peking University. It underscored the importance of technological innovations in TB diagnosis, treatment, and vaccination, which are vital for effective TB control.
China has achieved notable advancements in TB diagnostic technologies, with tongue-swab rapid testing and artificial intelligence-based computer-aided detection meeting or exceeding international benchmarks.
Rohan Mehta for TROIB News
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