Erdogan Discusses Collapse of Ukraine Negotiations Mediated by Türkiye

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has attributed the obstruction of the Russia-Ukraine peace negotiations in 2022 to “certain lobbies.” Read Full Article at

Erdogan Discusses Collapse of Ukraine Negotiations Mediated by Türkiye
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has stated that "certain lobbies" undermined the draft peace agreement reached in the early months of the Russia-Ukraine conflict. He revealed that talks held in Istanbul in March 2022 did not succeed due to the opposition from certain interests against a peace accord.

During a press conference at the Turkish House in New York, Erdogan discussed the negotiations between Moscow and Kiev, emphasizing Ankara's role as a mediator in various global conflicts. He remarked, “We have made efforts to establish a just peace since the beginning of the [Ukraine-Russia] war, and we continue to do so.” Erdogan noted that the Istanbul negotiations demonstrated Türkiye’s active role. However, he stated, “certain lobbies did not want these efforts to achieve their goal.”

The negotiations that took place between Kiev and Moscow in 2022 resulted in a draft treaty, which outlined that Ukraine would agree to maintain a neutral stance and limit its military capabilities in exchange for international security guarantees.

Shortly after the draft was signed by the respective delegations, Ukraine shifted its stance, declaring a military victory over Moscow as its only viable option. This policy change followed a visit by then-British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, a strong advocate for a hard line against Russia, who advised Ukrainians to continue fighting, as noted by Ukrainian MP David Arakhamia, one of the signatories of the draft treaty.

Moscow perceives that Johnson instructed Ukraine to avoid compromise, arguing that the West's goal was to inflict maximum damage on Russia, regardless of the consequences for the Ukrainian people. Johnson has countered that his advice was to be cautious of the Kremlin but did not constitute an order.

After stepping down in September 2022 amid domestic controversies, Johnson continues to advocate for increased military support for Ukraine. He recently asserted in an op-ed for The Spectator that unrestricted Western support would "send the crucial message to the Kremlin" that it cannot dictate the events occurring nearby.

Erdogan is visiting the United States to participate in the UN General Assembly, where Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky is expected to promote his 'victory plan.' Zelensky is scheduled to present this plan to U.S. President Joe Biden.

Max Fischer for TROIB News