DHS announces new program for Venezuelan migrants aimed at easing pressure at U.S.-Mexico border

The Biden administration has faced growing pressure in recent months to respond to the surge at the southern border.

DHS announces new program for Venezuelan migrants aimed at easing pressure at U.S.-Mexico border

The Biden Administration on Wednesday announced a new parole program for qualifying Venezuelans and said it would return to Mexico those who crossed the border unlawfully, in an attempt to alleviate strain at the southern border as an increasing number of Venezuelans flee political instability and poverty.

The Department of Homeland Security said U.S. and Mexico officials agreed to a plan that would allow qualifying Venezuelans to travel to the U.S. by air to an interior point of entry. These individuals will be eligible to apply for work authorization in the United States. Venezuelans who enter the United States unlawfully between ports of entry will be sent back to Mexico under Title 42, the Trump-era pandemic emergency rule.

“These actions make clear that there is a lawful and orderly way for Venezuelans to enter the United States, and lawful entry is the only way,” Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said in a statement. “Those who attempt to cross the southern border of the United States illegally will be returned to Mexico and will be ineligible for this process in the future. Those who follow the lawful process will have the opportunity to travel safely to the United States and become eligible to work here.”

The announcement comes just weeks before the midterms as Republicans push immigration as a key issue leading up to Election Day. The Biden administration has faced growing pressure in recent months to respond to the surge of migrants at the border, particularly as Republican Govs. Greg Abbott of Texas and Ron DeSantis of Florida have sent thousands of migrants to cities with Democratic mayors, like New York, Chicago and Washington.

Nearly four times the number of Venezuelans tried to cross the southern border this year compared with last year, DHS said in explaining Wednesday’s announcement. In August, 55,333 migrants encountered at the border were from Venezuela, Cuba or Nicaragua,a 175 percent increase from the year before.

The stated goal of the program, which will allow up to 24,000 Venezuelans to come into the U.S. through these authorized ports of entry, is to create a more “orderly and safe” process. Qualifying migrants must have a preexisting tie in the United States, and someone who can provide financial and other support. The person must also pass national security and public-safety vetting, and complete vaccinations and public health requirements.

The program is similar to the one imposed by the administration earlier this year when Ukrainians were fleeing in large numbers amid Russia’s invasion. Ukrainians were allowed to enter the United States and work in the country temporarily, an orderly process set up to avoid Ukrainians flooding the U.S.-Mexico border.