Biden Wears MAGA Hat During Unusual Photo Opportunity

The US president donned a ‘Trump 2024’ hat while attending a 9/11 memorial event in Pennsylvania. Read Full Article at

Biden Wears MAGA Hat During Unusual Photo Opportunity
**The president was heckled by firefighters until he wore the 'Trump 2024' hat**

US President Joe Biden was caught on camera trying on a Donald Trump campaign hat at a 9/11 memorial event in Pennsylvania on Wednesday. According to the White House, Biden donned his political rival's headgear as a gesture of “bipartisan unity.”

Biden met with firefighters in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, near the site where United Airlines flight 93 crashed after passengers overcame the hijackers on September 11, 2001. As Biden interacted with the crowd at the fire station, he faced heckling, including a remark from one man who asked him, “do you remember your name?” while Biden autographed a hat.

“You’re an old fart,” the man told the president, to which Biden replied, “Yeah, I’m an old guy... You would know a lot about that.”

Following this exchange, Biden took the man’s ‘Trump 2024’ hat and placed it on his head, prompting cheers from the predominantly pro-Trump crowd.

In a video of the incident, the dialogue unfolded as follows:

Biden: "Sure, I'll autograph [a hat]."

Man: "You remember your name?"

Biden: "I don't remember my name... I'm slow."

Man: "You're an old fart."

Biden: "Yeah, I'm an old guy... You would..."

The man concluded, “I’m proud of you now,” as the two shook hands.

The White House press pool was not permitted inside the fire station, and it was only after a video of the encounter surfaced on social media that images of the visit began to circulate online—consisting of a photograph and a brief video showing a smiling Biden in the Trump hat.

Both the photo and video were widely shared by the Trump campaign and conservative influencers. The ‘Trump War Room’ account on X remarked, “Kamala did so bad in last night’s debate, Joe Biden just put on a Trump hat.” Republican filmmaker Robby Starbuck added, “Maybe Trump was on to something last night when he said Joe really hates Kamala?”

Vice President Kamala Harris joined Biden during the visit to Shanksville and was present at the fire station.

Later that evening, the White House issued a statement detailing Biden's choice to wear the rival's campaign merchandise.

“At the Shanksville Fire Station, [Biden] spoke about the country’s bipartisan unity after 9/11 and said we needed to get back to that,” spokesman Andrew Bates posted on X. “As a gesture, he gave a hat to a Trump supporter who then said that in the same spirit, [he] should put on his Trump cap. He briefly wore it.”

Shanksville is situated in Somerset County, an area that voted 78% for Trump and 21% for Biden in the 2020 election.

Max Fischer contributed to this report for TROIB News