Serbia boosts gas imports from Russia

Serbia will start receiving additional volumes of gas from Russia in December, the head of the state-owned energy company says Read Full Article at

Serbia boosts gas imports from Russia

The extra volumes will help the country shift away from coal-fired power

Serbia will receive an additional 2 million cubic meters of gas per day from Russia starting December 1, Dusan Bajatovic, the head of state energy provider Srbijagas, told RIA Novosti on Thursday.   

Russia is currently Serbia’s only provider of natural gas. Belgrade has already secured 2.2 billion cubic meters of gas annually, which covers 62% of the country’s demand, and is planning to book another 700 million cubic meters for the winter period.

Earlier this month, the head of the Gas Association of Serbia, Vojislav Vuletic, said that at the current consumption rate, the country would need about 4 billion cubic meters annually as it moves away from outdated coal-fired power plants. The country’s state-owned electric utility EBS is planning to construct new gas-fired stations in several cities, including Belgrade, Nis, and Novi Sad.  

READ MORE: Serbia will benefit from Turkish gas hub – official

Serbia, which receives supplies from Russia via the TurkStream pipeline, has also supported Moscow’s proposal to build a natural gas distribution hub in Türkiye, saying it would help Belgrade meet its growing energy demand.

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