GOP Report Claims Biden Committed 'Impeachable Offenses'

A Republican-authored report has alleged that the US president and his family generated nearly $30 million through a "conspiracy to peddle influence." Read Full Article at

GOP Report Claims Biden Committed 'Impeachable Offenses'
Republicans have asserted that the US president and his family earned nearly $30 million through a “conspiracy to peddle influence.”

The House Oversight, Judiciary, and Ways and Means committees unveiled their impeachment inquiry report on Joe Biden, alleging accusations of influence-peddling and obstruction. Nonetheless, any attempt to oust Biden from office appears unlikely to succeed.

Published on Monday, the report contends that Biden and his relatives leveraged their familial ties and access to the White House to solicit upwards of $27 million from businessmen and political figures in China, Kazakhstan, Romania, Russia, and Ukraine.

Drawing from witness testimony and documents sourced from Hunter Biden’s laptop, the report claims that Hunter engaged with these foreign clients and offered them access to his father, who was vice president at the time. Despite Biden’s denials of any awareness regarding Hunter’s business undertakings, the report asserts, “Biden met or spoke with nearly every one of the Biden family’s foreign business associates, including those from Ukraine, China, Russia, and Kazakhstan.”

During the time of many of these meetings, Hunter Biden was a board member at the Ukrainian energy company Burisma, earning just below $1 million annually despite lacking prior experience in the energy sector.

The obstruction charge references Biden’s Justice Department allegedly “slow-walking” an investigation into Hunter Biden’s tax matters, as well as claims that the White House withheld key witnesses and documents pertinent to the impeachment inquiry. Additionally, it accuses the White House of obstructing an investigation regarding Biden’s potential mishandling of classified documents by not providing audio recordings of the president’s testimony to special counsel Robert Hur.

Earlier this year, Hur chose not to indict Biden related to the document matter, stating that the recordings portray the president as an “elderly man with a poor memory,” making a conviction difficult in a jury trial.

“The Constitution’s remedy for a President’s flagrant abuse of office is clear: impeachment by the House of Representatives and removal by the Senate,” the committees articulated in the report, noting that it would be sent to the House “for its evaluation and consideration of appropriate next steps.”

However, House Speaker Mike Johnson has not indicated any plans to initiate a vote on Biden's impeachment. Despite the Republican Party maintaining an eight-seat majority in the House, numerous Republicans have expressed that they would not support such a vote without more definitive evidence of illegal activity by Biden.

Moreover, Biden would likely be acquitted in the Senate, where his party holds a narrow 51-49 majority. Two Democrat-led impeachment efforts against former President Donald Trump faced similar outcomes in the Republican-controlled Senate in 2020 and 2021.

Thomas Evans contributed to this report for TROIB News