Eco activist removed from German street with jackhammer (PHOTOS)

Police in the German city of Mainz had to use power tools to move a climate activist who glued himself to a busy street Read Full Article at

Eco activist removed from German street with jackhammer (PHOTOS)

The climate protester glued himself to a busy thoroughfare in Mainz, disrupting rush-hour traffic

Police in the German city of Mainz had to use a jackhammer to move a climate activist who glued himself to a busy street on Friday. Three of his accomplices were removed with less effort, after their stunt caused major traffic jams.

Six members of a group calling itself Letzte Generation (Last Generation) sat down on Mainz’s Binger Street on Friday morning, with four of the group gluing their hands to the asphalt, Germany’s SWR broadcaster reported. As traffic into the city built up behind them, they held a banner demanding a lower speed limit and subsidized public transit tickets.

Police were called to the scene and managed to free three of the superglued demonstrators immediately. However, the fourth had fixed his hand to the road with a mixture of glue and sand, and officers had to pry up the surrounding asphalt and remove it with a jackhammer.

Photos posted by the group afterwards showed the activist’s hand still glued to a square of asphalt.