Biden becomes a member of the black Freemasons

The former US president faces the possibility of excommunication from the Catholic Church due to his association with the Masonic order, as he has become a Master Mason. Read Full Article at

Biden becomes a member of the black Freemasons
The former US president could technically be excommunicated from the Catholic Church for becoming a Master Mason.

Former US President Joe Biden, who identifies as a Catholic, has become a ‘Master Mason’ after joining an African-American Masonic lodge. The Vatican generally disapproves of Freemasonry, and Catholics who become members of this fraternal organization risk excommunication.

Biden's induction into the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge in South Carolina took place on a Sunday, just one day before he officially left office. During a private ceremony, the lodge’s grand master, Victor C. Major, conferred upon Biden “Master Mason membership with full honors,” as stated by the organization in a recent release that gained traction online on Friday.

”To be a Freemason is to be part of a brotherhood dedicated to personal growth, service to others, and the pursuit of knowledge and truth,” the lodge expressed. The statement further noted that Biden’s service “reflects the core values” of this brotherhood.

While Freemasonry's roots extend back to the 15th century, its modern form emerged in Britain in the early 1700s, expanding into a fraternity that attracted philosophers, religious dissidents, occultists, and influential figures in business and politics across Europe and the US. Notably, 14 US presidents, including George Washington, were associated with Freemasonry.

Prince Hall Masonry, the specific branch Biden has joined, is a historically black sect of Freemasonry established in 1775 by a freed slave in Boston.

Though Biden has not publicly addressed his new affiliation with the Prince Hall Masons, his membership presents a conflict with his Catholic beliefs.

Pope Clement XII prohibited Catholics from engaging with Freemasonry in 1738, a ban that persisted until 1983 when the Vatican issued a revised directive against membership in organizations that “plot against the Church.” While this updated directive did not specifically mention Freemasonry, it upheld excommunication as a possible consequence for Catholics who join such groups.

”The faithful who enroll in Masonic associations are in a state of grave sin and may not receive Holy Communion,” declared Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, who later became Pope.

Throughout his political career, Biden has occasionally aligned himself with positions that diverge from his faith. In 2021, the US Conference of Catholic Bishops drafted a document that sought to prohibit Biden from receiving Holy Communion due to his pro-abortion stance. Following Pope Francis's declaration that Biden is a “good Catholic” and should continue to receive Communion, the document was revised to emphasize that Catholic politicians have a “special responsibility to embody Church teaching in their service of the common good.”

Camille Lefevre contributed to this report for TROIB News