Science & Tech

As Crypto meltdown deepens Bitcoin tumbled to a new 18-month low

As Crypto meltdown deepens Bitcoin tumbled to a new 18-month...

The world's largest cryptocurrency fell 7.8% to $20,289, its lowest since December...

Largest bacteria on Earth discovered

Largest bacteria on Earth discovered

A new bacterium roughly the size and shape of an eyelash has smashed the size record...

Atmospheric CO2 exceeds all-time high

Atmospheric CO2 exceeds all-time high

The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has broken its record in human history....

Study: One-third of world population does not use internet

Study: One-third of world population does not use internet

One-third of the world population does not use the Internet, even though 95 percent...

Mysterious 'waves' discovered deep inside Earth

Mysterious 'waves' discovered deep inside Earth

Scientists have found a "completely new" type of magnetic wave surging through Earth's...