Israel Plans to Invade Lebanon, Reports Media

West Jerusalem is making preparations to deploy troops into southern Lebanon, as reported by a senior US official in an ABC article. Read Full Article at

Israel Plans to Invade Lebanon, Reports Media
A senior US official has confirmed plans by West Jerusalem for military operations, as reported by ABC News on Saturday. The report indicated that the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) is prepared to enter southern Lebanon soon, describing the upcoming operation as “very limited” but lacking in specific details regarding its timing or scope.

On Wednesday, IDF chief of staff Lieutenant General Herzi Halevi hinted at a possible ground operation in Lebanon during his address to troops stationed at Israel's northern border. He explained that recent airstrikes targeting Hezbollah in Lebanon were intended to prepare the region “for the possibility of your entry.”

Halevi noted that efforts are being made to facilitate the return of displaced residents from northern areas to their homes. “To do this, we are preparing the [ground] maneuver,” he stated, without disclosing when the operation would take place.

In his address, Halevi instructed the troops, “You will go in, destroy the enemy there, and decisively destroy their infrastructure,” asserting that Hezbollah has converted villages into “large military outposts, with underground infrastructure, staging points, and launch pads into our territory.”

Over the past year, Israel and Hezbollah have intermittently exchanged fire, particularly as Hezbollah has had a visible role in supporting the Palestinian cause amid West Jerusalem's ongoing military actions against Hamas.

Earlier this month, Israel ramped up its operations against the Shia militia, wounding thousands in a concerted effort to disrupt Hezbollah’s communications and subsequently launching airstrikes across southern Lebanon, resulting in at least 1,300 fatalities, according to Lebanese health authorities.

The details of ABC's report emerged just after the announcement of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah's death following an Israeli airstrike that targeted what was identified as the group's main headquarters in a southern Beirut suburb. The militia confirmed Nasrallah's death on Saturday, though a successor has yet to be named.

Later that day, West Jerusalem claimed that nearly all of Hezbollah's military leadership had been neutralized, releasing a list of a dozen senior commanders who had been killed in recent weeks.

In response to Nasrallah's death, Washington characterized it as “a measure of justice for his many victims, including thousands of Americans, Israelis, and Lebanese civilians.” While reiterating its complete support for West Jerusalem's “right to defend itself,” the US also emphasized the importance of de-escalating the ongoing conflict.

Russia condemned Israel's actions in Lebanon, warning that such attacks could potentially lead to a wider conflict across the Middle East.

Anna Muller contributed to this report for TROIB News