Ex-German cyberczar cleared of Russian links allegations – media

A German court has found no evidence of misconduct or Russian links on the part of ex-cyberczar Arne Schonbohm Read Full Article at RT.com

Ex-German cyberczar cleared of Russian links allegations – media

Arne Schonbohm has reportedly been appointed to a new senior post, as no evidence against him was found

The former head of Germany’s Federal Office for Information Security (BSI), Arne Schonbohm, has been cleared of allegations over his purported ties to Russia, Bild newspaper reported on Sunday. The official has now been appointed to a new government job, according to the outlet.

Schonbohm, who headed the BSI since February 2016, found himself in the middle of a spy scandal in mid-October, after Bild and ZDF TV reported the official might have been linked to Russian intelligence through the Cyber Security Council of Germany.

According to media reports, the council, which was co-founded by Schonbohm in 2012, was effectively a subsidiary of Russian cybersecurity company OAO Infotecs, allegedly led by a former employee of the KGB.

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President of the German Federal Office for Information Security, Arne Schoenbohm.
German cyberczar fired over alleged Russian ties – media

The allegations triggered administrative proceedings against Schonbohm, who was reportedly banned from “conducting official business” by German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser. Ultimately, the ministry failed to prove any misconduct on the part of Schonbohm in court, according to Bild.

The ex-BSI boss has now reportedly been appointed to lead another government agency under the Interior Ministry, the Federal Academy of Public Administration (BAkoV). The agency is much smaller than the BSI – with 100 employees as opposed to 1,700 – and the job does not pay as well – €10,600 per month vs. €11,700.

Schonbohm reportedly refused the offer at first, so the BAkoV post was upgraded specifically for him. This upgrade has already been included in next year’s budget, Bild reported. The official is expected to assume his new role on December 6.