Serbian military launches drills near Kosovo
As Kosovo Albanian authorities insisted on replacing Serbian license plates, Belgrade launched “routine” drills near the disputed province Read Full Article at

Belgrade says drills on the boundary with Kosovo are “routine” as deadline looms in document dispute
Serbian Army units kicked off exercises near the administrative boundary with Kosovo on Wednesday. Though their timing coincides with the deadline given by Pristina authorities for implementing the controversial ban on Serbian documents, Belgrade insists the drills are entirely routine.
“The training is carried out to preserve the high level of combat readiness of the units involved, and their capability to, if needed, quickly react to establish peace and security along the administrative line,” the Serbian Defense Ministry said in a statement.
“Particular attention is paid to drills simulating an attack on the unit and the tactics, techniques and procedures to stop illegal crossings, extremist group operations and organized crime,” added the military in Belgrade.
Local residents have reported sightings of trucks, armored vehicles and even tanks near Raska and Novi Pazar, cities nearest to the two administrative crossings with the breakaway province, where ethnic Albanian authorities tried to interdict traffic with Serbian documents last month.
У оквиру редовних активности на базама и поседнутим објектима у Копненој зони безбедности снаге Војске Србије свакодневно реализују обуку за извршавање наменских задатака.