UN chief warns the world is nearing a ‘powder keg’ state

UN chief Guterres has cautioned that increasing geopolitical divides, ongoing conflicts, and nuclear threats are unleashing a "dark shadow" over the world. Read Full Article at RT.com.

UN chief warns the world is nearing a ‘powder keg’ state
Antonio Guterres, the UN Secretary General, has called on the international community to pursue “global solutions” to the unprecedented challenges currently facing the world in his keynote address ahead of the UN General Assembly's General Debate on Tuesday.

He highlighted that geo-political divisions are deepening, global temperatures are increasing, wars are ongoing with no end in sight, and nuclear posturing is creating “a dark shadow” over the planet.

“We are edging towards the unimaginable – a powder keg that risks engulfing the world,” Guterres cautioned.

The Secretary General emphasized that the current state of the world is “unsustainable.” However, he noted that the challenges we confront are solvable, and it is crucial for the international community to ensure that “mechanisms of international problem-solving actually solve problems.”

Guterres identified three primary “major drivers of unsustainability” that global leaders must tackle: impunity, inequality, and uncertainty.

In this “world of impunity,” he remarked, violations and abuses jeopardize the foundations of international law and the UN Charter. He expressed that the prevailing level of impunity is “indefensible and morally intolerable,” suggesting that an increasing number of governments feel entitled to a “get out of jail free” card, flouting international law while ignoring human rights conventions and international humanitarian law.

“We see this age of impunity everywhere – in the Middle East, in the heart of Europe, in the Horn of Africa, and beyond,” he stated, referencing ongoing conflicts such as the situation in Ukraine, Israel’s actions in Lebanon, the “non-stop nightmare” in Gaza, and the “brutal power struggle” in Sudan.

Guterres also pointed out that inequality now poses a significant threat to countries, pushing them closer to collapse, while the unpredictability of unmanaged global risks “threatens our future in unknowable ways.”

“These worlds of impunity, inequality and uncertainty are connected and colliding,” the Secretary General urged, calling on the international community to unite in order to effectively manage the significant transformations occurring and to “join forces to steer our world to a more sustainable path.”

Debra A Smith contributed to this report for TROIB News