Time out: Baby breaches White House fence
The White House gates can’t stop all intruders from breaching the premises, apparently.

The White House gates can’t stop all intruders from breaching the premises, apparently.
A toddler squeezed through the metal barricade Tuesday morning but was caught by Secret Service officers on the north lawn before he crawled too close to the executive mansion, a spokesperson confirmed in a statement to POLITICO.
“The Secret Service Uniformed Division today encountered a curious young visitor along the White House north fence line who briefly entered White House grounds,” Secret Service spokesperson Anthony Guglielmi said. “The White House security systems instantly triggered Secret Service officers and the toddler and parents were quickly reunited.”
In a photo taken by an Associated Press photographer, the boy can be seen being carried by two uniformed officers, suspended in the air amid a backdrop of the White House.
Though short-lived, the toddler’s escapade may be historic: It’s possibly the first successful breach of the White House barrier since the fence’s height was doubled to 13 feet four years ago due to several intrusions. The new fence did, however, come with gaps an inch wider, totaling 5.5 inches.
It also appears to be the first baby breach at the White House in eight years. In 2015, a 4-year-old made it into a secured area as well, causing security officers to draw their weapons on the north lawn. And the year before that, a toddler squeezed through the fence in front of the residence.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.