Queen Elizabeth Meets the Presidents
Seventy years of photos show how the late queen cemented the U.S.-U.K. alliance.

From Harry Truman to Joe Biden, the late Queen Elizabeth II watched American presidents come and go.
She met 13 of the 14 U.S. presidents who served during her 70 years on the throne (LBJ being the only exception). And even though she rarely waded into politics, she helped ensure that relations between the United Kingdom and the United States were well maintained — frequently inviting American presidents to Buckingham Palace or visiting the White House.
The public on both sides of the pond couldn’t get enough of the interactions between the Queen and the president — whoever it was at the time. And the Queen was savvy enough to recognize that fact and used it to strengthen the alliance.
“If the Atlantic unites, not divides us, ours is a partnership always to be reckoned with in the defense of freedom and the spread of prosperity,” she said during her visit to the George W. Bush White House in 2007 for her fourth state dinner with an American president. “That is the lesson of my lifetime. Administrations in your country, and governments in mine, may come and go … But united we must always remain.”
These photos of Queen Elizabeth glass-toasting, fist-bumping, hand-shaking and horseback-riding with American presidents from 1952 to 2022 underscore how she tried to put that lifetime lesson into practice over and over again.