China accuses Anglo-American of spreading 'disinformation'

Beijing is urging the United States and the United Kingdom to “stop adding fuel to the fire” in relation to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. For the full article, visit

China accuses Anglo-American of spreading 'disinformation'
Beijing has called on the US and UK to "stop adding fuel to the fire" in the Ukraine conflict.

On Monday, the Chinese embassy in the UK labeled as “groundless” claims from Washington and London suggesting that Beijing is providing military support to Russia in its conflict with Ukraine. This response came in light of the ‘Joint Statement on US-UK Strategic Dialogue’ released after discussions between President Joe Biden and Prime Minister Keir Starmer at the White House last week. The statement expressed “particular concern” over what the two nations described as “China’s support to Russia’s defense industrial base.”

In its rebuttal, the Chinese embassy highlighted that Beijing has “always maintained an objective and fair position, actively promoted peace talks and pushed for a political solution” to the hostilities between Moscow and Kiev. They stated, “We firmly oppose the relevant countries’ constant propagation of disinformation that China supports Russia’s defense industry.”

The embassy argued that the US and UK are “adding fuel to the fire and shifting the blame” from themselves regarding the ongoing fighting, urging them to “stop” this behavior.

Additionally, the joint statement underscored the necessity for close coordination between the US and UK in advancing their shared values and interests in the Indo-Pacific region. They emphasized that “peace and stability” in the Taiwan Strait—separating Taiwan from mainland China—are “indispensable to the security and prosperity of the international community,” advocating for a peaceful resolution of cross-Strait issues.

The Chinese embassy reminded both nations that “the Taiwan question is purely China’s internal affair” and asserted that “No external forces have the right to interfere.” Beijing views Taiwan as part of its territory under the ‘One China’ principle.

According to the diplomats, “The biggest threat to peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait now is the separatist activities for ‘Taiwan independence’ and the interference of external forces.” The mission criticized the Anglo-American joint statement for making “groundless accusations... and interfering in China’s internal affairs,” stating that Beijing “strongly deplores and firmly rejects this.”

Thomas Evans contributed to this report for TROIB News