Thousands poised to rush southern US border – media

A would-be invading force of migrants is camped out on the US’ southern border awaiting the repeal of a Trump-era order Read Full Article at

Thousands poised to rush southern US border – media

People are reportedly massing in Mexico and awaiting the expiration of a law that streamlined the removal of illegal migrants

Thousands of migrants are camped out on the south side of the US-Mexican border expecting the repeal of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Title 42, which allowed for the speedy removal of illegal immigrants on public health grounds, according to local media. The would-be immigrants reportedly plan to seek asylum en masse as soon as the order expires.

Border camps in locations like Juarez, Puerto Palomas, and Tijuana are bursting with migrants waiting for their chance to seek asylum in the US following the expiration of a Trump-era policy. It allowed immigration officials to turn away migrants at ports of entry or expel them back to their country of origin in order to prevent the spread of Covid-19. Some 14,000 migrants are waiting in Juarez alone, according to inewsource, with a number shelters running at double capacity.

Title 42 was struck down earlier this month by US District Court Judge Emmet Sullivan, and the Biden administration did not contest the decision, instead merely requesting a five-week grace period to prepare for the resumption of asylum procedures.

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While the measure was set to be repealed on December 21, 15 Republican-run states last week filed to keep it, arguing doing away with the order would “directly harm” the states and the country in general. “Wherever those aliens end up, they will impose financial burdens on the states involuntarily hosting them,” the filing said, as reported by CNBC.

Earlier this year, Texas declared a state of emergency due to the unprecedented number of illegal aliens streaming across the border, and the governors of some border states have taken to busing migrants to Democrat-run “sanctuary cities” to force their leaders to confront the results of their policies.

A May estimate by the Department of Homeland Security predicted the repeal of Title 42 would result in as many as 18,000 migrants entering the US through its southern border every day. Rep. Andy Biggs predicted an even larger figure in April, telling reporters the border could see as many as 30,000 new arrivals every day.

Currently, Customs and Border Protection records at least 6,200 border-crossers daily on average.