EU country hit by worst inflation since 1970s

Consumer prices in Belgium have spiked the most since the 1970s, data from the country’s Statbel statistics agency shows Read Full Article at

EU country hit by worst inflation since 1970s

Consumer prices in Belgium have accelerated to nearly 10%

Inflation in Belgium jumped to 9.94% in August, just short of the 1976 record of 9.96%, data from the country’s Statbel statistics agency showed on Tuesday.

Analysts largely attribute the spike to a surge in energy prices, which accounts for roughly half of the total inflation. 

Energy inflation is now running at 49.81%, compared to 49.11% last month and 55.99% in June. Electricity is now 57.2% more expensive than a year ago. Natural gas is 106.9% more expensive than in August last year. The price of domestic heating oil, calculated based on a smoothed 12-month moving average, has increased by 52.6% in one year. Motor fuels are 21.0% more expensive than last year,” the agency stated.

Food prices in the country also surged 9.71%, but they make up only 1.92% of the overall inflation. 

Apart from energy, prices on bread and cereals, confectionery, meat, alcohol, personal care products and hotel services have grown the most.

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